
Do you?

Katie's visit was a surprise, and Con could tell immediately that something was wrong. He let her take it at her own pace though, just making sure he caught everything she said. Hearing about what happened last night, then her regrets from past mistakes too, he sighed. He'd seen most of those happen. He remembered. Mostly from Jason's perspective, but he remembered. 

Taking a slow sip of coffee, Con thought quietly for a few moments. He reached behind him to the counter and grabbed a box of tissues, sliding it over to Katie with a little smile. He then sighed and shook his head. "I wish I had an answer for you....but this is an issue of the heart, where black and white tend to melt together. I'd say you have a lot to figure out, but it looks to me like you've already got a pretty good handle on part of the problem." She had hurt a lot of feelings through the last few years alone. Unintentionally, but she had, and there was no denying it. The fact that she saw that now though, was a big step in itself.

Con cocked his head. "On the flip side...you've been let down more than once, too." How many times had Jason let her down? Called it quits? Maybe not this last time, but he'd been engaged once himself to another woman. 

He pursed his lips as his expression turned grim. His words were still gentle though. "Do you still love Jason?"

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