

Con wasn't surprised in the least about Katie's response. Maybe it wasn't obvious to everyone, but to Con it was - the love between those two had simply never stopped.

He was quiet though, just studying Katie for several moments, letting his thoughts form before speaking. Slowly, he nodded. "That's what I thought." He offered her another small smile. She would always be his little sister, and he cared.

"In answer to your question, and you didn't hear this from me, Jason has been miserable without you. I think, just like you, he blames himself for a lot. So, that said, I have my doubts it would be too difficult for you to find yourself back in his life again."

Con finished his coffee and set the cup aside to fold his hands. "But...is that really what you want?" He had to be honest with her. "Maybe when you two split this last time, a lot of it was you. He didn't want to break up at all - told me so himself. But...looking back...how many times did he let you down? Emotionally, I mean."

He cocked his head. "Jason is one of my best friends and I love him to death. But I've also seen his pattern. You've recognized your pattern and you want to change - and I'm really proud of you. But has Jason seen his? How many times did he lock you out? Need you, but wouldn't share his heart with you? Want you, but not your connection?" He paused to let it sink in. "If you go back to him, is it just going to be the same old story?"

Taking a napkin, he wiped up a spot of coffee he just noticed he'd spilled. "I'm not trying to persuade you not to go back to him. I just want to make sure you weigh all the consequences first. Love is a hard thing to get rid of once it's taken hold. So you have to decide...are you willing to risk your heart on Jason yet another time? If the answer is yes, then by all means, go to him - just be willing to fight when he puts up those walls. If the answer is no, then you need to let him go - for good - and give Hunter a chance because I think he'll treat you right. You just can't do that and still love Jason, as you've found out."

Another pause. "And.. if you don't know which route to take, don't move. It's okay to sit at the crossroads until you make a decision. I wouldn't wait too long, since life does change quickly. But you do need to be absolutely sure what you want...and what you think God approves of too. Don't forget to add Him to the equation, because He knows exactly which path you should take."

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