

Victoria couldnt help but roll her eyes at Reese's sad attempt of a plan. She didn't know how this was even going to work. It was the dumbest, least thought out plan she had ever heard. But seeing how confidant Garret was Victoria new she would go along for him.

  "What if Aaron dosnt agree to that? Do we have a backup plan?"

Her comment was cut off though by Garret's outburst. Looking to him she just scans his face and body language. He was mad and scared at the same time. He really did want to be trusted by these people and he wanted it bad.

Though her hands were cuffed she could still move them enough to place a hand on top of Garret's. She new he was angry, and he could lose his temper face and that was the last thing he needed to do right now. That would gain anyones trust for him.

Looking across the table at Garret Nate runs a hand over her face before giving a sigh. Nothing could ever be easy could it? Not even once. He could see where Reese was coming from. He just wanted to keep his people safe and not let go of the best links to the Agency they had.

   "He does have a point Reese. If we dont do something about Aaron he might try again, or worse kill someone to his point across. Garret has had many opportunity to harm us, and yet he hasn't."

Glancing at Reese and than Garret again Nate couldnt help but wonder what it would take for both of them to trust each other. Both had there reasons not to but it had to end somewhere.

   "Also, if you want us to trust you, you are going to have to trust us too. It's a two way street and I think Im doing a pretty good job of proving to you, you can. So I wish you would. Till we can trust each other this is never going to work."

Rosetta can see Eric's face pale as he read the letter. She did feel bad for him and really couldn't imagen being in the position he was in. 

  "Yes, two twin girls. they are the most adorable little things, but we were just as surprised as you are really."

Looking to Mick Rosetta smiles slightly. She was happy he was here with her and agreed to this. They were a team and she would of hated letting the babies go. It hurt her heart so much to think about a mother just giving them away so freely.

   "We didn't want to just take them because it would be your desition and on top of that we didn't even know if they were really yours. So we have a week to figure it out, or the babys will just go to social services till they are adopted else where." 

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