

Entering the bunk Stacy just stands at the foot of the bed for a long moment. She new Eric was shocked, angry, and hurting. Though she didn't know all the details, her heart still ached for him. Coming around to the side of the best Stacy sits down before laying back and draping her arm around Eric just holding him.

   "We don' have to talk than, just as long as I can just be close to you."

Katie gave a nod at Reese request. She wasn't to sure what to think about this whole ordeal, but she was happy to help. It had been a little bit since she had been in the field and missed it.


Looking at Reese Nate gives a nod. Everything that happened a few hours before still fresh in his mind but he'd at least been able to push it aside at the moment for the sake of the mission.

Shifting Nate moves twords Garret and Victoria his eyes said so much and how sorry he was. He felt terrible that he had gained Garret's trust and now it seemed runed. He really had been trying so hard for him.

  "I guess its now or never."

Victoria rolls her eyes before jumping in the SUV. Everything here was so strange. The way they talked to each other, the slight worry she just didn't get it.east been able to push it aside for now. He just wanted everyone safe and he needed his head on straight to do that.

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