

Letting himself into Susanne's apartment Chuck new something wasn't right. He'd found her belongings outside all over the place, and no inside peering through the dark the hair on his neck stood on end. It was not normal for her to not be home on time, and even more abnormal that she wasn't on time for one of there dates without calling. He'd texted her, and called a few times and got nothing. This was not right.

Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket Chuck can't help but jump. He'd been so focused anything would of made him jump. Pulling his phone from his pocket Chad's heart beats faster seeing it was Susanne.

   "Susanne? Where are you? Are you ok?"

Hearing a voice that was not Susanne's on the other line the hair on the back of Chad's neck stands on end. His heart raced for a whole new reason as he listened on the other end of the phone. Susanne had been kidnapped and he felt helpless as the line goes dead.

Quickly thumbing through his contacts Chuck's hand shook finding Reese's  number. Dialing it Chad starts to pace the floor stopping when Reese answers.

   "Reese its Chad. Susanne has been kidnapped by someone. I dont know who but I just got a phone call from them and they told me to call and tell you. He said to call phone and do it fast,"

Watching the car that pulled up Stacy was on guard. There wasn't anyone booked to be coming to the ranch today so her guard was up. Walking twords them Stacy stops seeing the man change his own root and come to her. Something wasn't right and she could feel it.

   "Hello. Eric is away on a business trip right now. I'm the head of security here at the ranch, is there something I can help you with Mr. Dexter?"

Stacy looked at him straight in the eye. Her answer was short and sweet with very little information given. She didn't feel comfortable giving out more than she needed to, to a stranger. Not to metion when the were looking for Eric.

Ryan hadn't touched much of her steak which was really rare. But something seemed off. More than her normal right now anyways. Tal was being strange and keeping space between them. There was no hug, and hardly any words. She wanted to at least try to have a conversation but when she would try it was just cut off. She felt bad and this was just making it worse.

    "If you don't want to be here than why did you come?"

Her comment seemed out of no where but she had, had enough. Ryan had so much to worry about she just didn't need anymore. Not to mention if Tal had a problem why didn't he just say it and cut this awkwardness off.

    "Is there a reason you are not acting yourself or am I crazier than everyone thinks?"

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