

Tal's words hurt and she had no idea where there came from. They cut through her heart like knife leaving nothing but devastation more than what was already there. She'd hoped that Eli and Tal would be there for her but it looked as though that would not be the case now.

   "I'm sorry I cant just turn all my emotions off, I'm sorry that I'm broken and I'm sorry you dont like it. You were not in anyone's shadow, you had your own spot light."

Tears sprang into Ryan's eyes. This was all her fault, Tal felt less than Alec because of her. Though her words blamed him really she blamed herself. Why did she ever think she could be happy? It was a crazy thought but after all she was crazy.

    "This is all my fault. I'm sorry, for everything, and I'm sorry for not being better."

Standing herself Ryan puts her plate down that had hardly been touched and heads to her room. Closing the door behind her. She didn't want to hear anything else. She just wanted to shut out the world. Sitting down on her bed Ryan pulled out the journal from Justin and jots down one word Failure!

Hearing about what happened to Susanne Angelica put her napkin down on the table and was already getting her jacket on. This was urgent and she new it. No life was worth losing time from taking another bite of food.

Getting into the car and putting on her seat belt Angelica turned so she could look at Reese, her own heart pounded in her chest. This was a mess and it must be connected to Victoria and Garret.

Looking up at Reese Victoria's face was emotionless. Why was she here again? Hadn't they already gotten the point she wasn't talking? Garret must have told them about Aaron but what did that have to do with her being here now? 

Her question was soon answered hearing that Aaron had kidnapped someone. A bref moment of anger shown in Victoria's own eyes. Not only had Aaron not listened to her, but now he was messing with what Garret had worked hard for. She might not agree, and might not follow but that didn't mean she wanted to rune it for him.

   "His name is Aaron and he can't follow directions. This was not in the plain to kidnap anyone.You can believe me or not, but thats all I know. If he said he'd kill her than she is either already dead, or he will if you don't do what he says."

Getting to the office and getting the low down on what was going on Nate ran a hand over is face, He was happy Reese has called him to talk to Garret but at the same time it was hard to be pulled from home when he had been comfortable. He was lucky though the Laura understood and just wanted Susanne back too. 

Opening the door and entering the room Nate takes note to the handcuffs on Garret once again. He couldn't blame Reese really seeing as they had no idea what was going on. He still did feel bad though.

   "Sorry about the cuffs again Garret. Victoria is ok but we do have a problem. It seems the guy you were talking me about Aaron has taken one of our agents. Is there anything you havent told us that could help? Reese is none to happy and any information would be better than none."

Continuing to listen Stacy couldnt help but be on guard the more and more he talked. She new Eric had been married but she didn't know anything about him being a father. She wondered if he even new.
   "Can I see the paper work please? Before I let you talk to anyone I need to make sure of what you have said!"

Taking the paper work Stacy tried to say as calm as she could as she thumbed through everything. Sure enough it seemed like everything was in order and true. As much as she didn't want to believe it, she was more worried for Eric. Something just didn't feel right.

     "Eric's family runs this ranch. Follow me."

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