
Blackened Soul

Carson might have resisted anyone else’s touch, but Katie was one of the few people he could trust. Instead of pulling away, he leaned into her just a little, his tense muscles automatically relaxing in her embrace. Other than Mackenzie, getting a hug was something he had not received in a very long time.

Katie’s words made sense, even in his troubled heart, and he nodded again as he straightened up. “Thank you…” He finally glanced her way, catching her eye. “That means a lot to me…it really does.” He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “I wish everybody was as understanding as you. But…I guess that might not be possible, even under normal circumstances.” She’d always been understanding. Even if she hadn’t always agreed, she was one person he’d always been able to count on. And he appreciated it more than he could express.

“You better go help clean up Jason.” He gestured to the water and cloth in her hand. “I’ll um…I’ll just stay here a while. I won’t cause any trouble. Misty doesn’t want me around, so…” His eyes fell once more. “Yeah. I’ll just stay here.”

Alec squeezed Misty’s hand and gave her a little smile too. “The world might be a better place without an Alec Banks in the way, but it’s far from being able to survive without you.” He cocked his head. “So don’t ever think it would have been better if we’d lost you, okay?” His voice was still quiet. Still calm. But he didn’t like thinking about what would have happened, had she not made it. It was bad enough having lost the baby – to lose her too…he didn’t want to try imagining it.

“Besides…” A new quirky smile surfaced. “If you were gone, I wouldn’t have a place to live.” He knew her well enough to know that she’d get he was just trying to tease, because it was hard to him to actually say, “I care about you.”

“You’re gonna be okay,” he comforted. “I know it doesn’t feel like it, but…I know you, and I know it might take a while, but you’re gonna come out of this. I promise.” He lifted her hand and gave it a gentle kiss. He knew she was tired and probably would rather just rest than talk. “Some others are here. Wyatt. Reese. Up to you if you want to see anyone else, though.”

A new tension had formed. Something was off kilter. Something was wrong. More wrong than normal. One wasn’t usually able to hear beyond the house walls, but today, though words could not be distinguished, the loudness of arguing could easily be heard. Though evil deeds were done, tempers were usually kept in check with a professional reserve. But today, anger stirred into action. And an execution was inevitable…

…Garret sat on the steps of the ammunition house, cleaning his rifle. He usually did this kind of work inside, but today, the fresh air felt nice. Not that “nice” was a luxury often offered around here, but today it was one he chose. He had just put bullets through the heads of two men who had failed in their tasks. Failure – the ultimate route to death when working for Medridge. Failure to complete a job. Failure to do his bidding. Failure to comply. No kind of failure was ever acceptable or forgiven. Those two guys should have known better than to return here from such a sensitive case anyway. Returning…not returning. That wasn’t normally an option pondered…

Garret realized he’d sat motionless for several minutes before bringing himself back to his work, and he shook his head. He could be shot himself for just thinking the things he was. Yet the thoughts were retuning more and more often, creating an undeniable longing in the pit of his blackened soul.

Clicking the pieces of his rifle back in place, he held it up to his shoulder and gazed down the barrel. Catching a certain woman in his sight though, he lowered the weapon. And right there was another factor that tormented his heart.

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