

Looking up at Pete again and giving a small smile it wasn't much but it was more than what was to offer a few months ago. He was trying in his small ways and it was a start and he hoped people were noticing that at least he was trying.

   "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We will have to get together with the girls and see when they are free."

Finishing up his conversation with Pete Trey shuts the door and walks back to his little kitchen. Sitting down at the little table her places the email down as well reading it over again. Wes was really alive? There was a strange bit of happiness inside for a man he didn't even know, but maybe it was more for his mother because he new how sad it had been for her, and that look that had been in her eye.

Pulling out his phone and dialing Cindy's number Trey waits. Getting the voice mail he figured she was more than likely busy and maybe it was better this way anyways. He could talk better to nothing than to someone and if he messed up he wouldn't feel to dumb.

   "Hey Cindy...I mean mom..."

Trey cringes a little. Great start already.

   "I saw the email about Wes. I just wanted to say I am very happy he is ok and home to you guys. Maybe you can come visit sometime. Tell Kaylee I said hi. Later."

Talking with Jason Katie felt a sharp pain in her chest around the rang of her heart. Everything still seemed so new leaving Jason, and all else that had happened. It still hurt, and made her feel a little uncomfortable even if she didn't let on to it. Someone she once new so well with or without the connection was now...almost like a stranger.

   "Yeah yeah I don't mind at all. If I am going that way anyways might we well."

Looking down at her paper work for a second not really knowing what else to say. She hated it had to be this with someone like Jason. He was so important to her at one point in time and now...it was just hard and Katie new it was her fault.

   "Hey Jason...thanks for letting me know."

Reaching across the table and taking Kip's hand in her own Karla gives him a reassured smile. The pain in his eyes was heart breaking and she wished she could make it better but this was just another one of life's growing pains. They sucked but happened all the time Karla had learned this fast.

   "We will figure something out right? It's going to work out Kip, I promise it will and I will be right there with you."

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