

Not knowing what else to say, Jason starts to leave, but stops at Katie's thanks. Daring to catch her eye once more, he holds his stare this time as if searching deep inside her for more than her words. "Yeah... no problem."

"Jason. Katie. Good, you're together."

Jason straightens as Reese approaches, lifting his eyebrows. "What's up?"

"I need both of you. Everybody else is busy, and we need to check out a guy named Doug Breemer." Reese comes up to the cubicle and presents a photo of a man about forty years old. "This is a job dumped on us by the police department. Basically, he's drug scum, but they don't want him arrested yet. They just want to know his pattern. He's been hibernating in his house though, and all the police want is to know when he leaves and if he does, where he goes." He shrugs. "A simpler stakeout there's never been. But I want two agents, and you guys are it."

Jason's eyes widen. "Well how long-"

"As long as it takes," Reese interrupts. "If nothing's happened by tonight, we can switch over a team, but until then, it's your two pairs of eyes."

"Aw, come on!" Jason throws up his hands. "I had plans after work today."

"Sorry. Unless you've got a better job offer, I suggest you get busy." Reese whacks Jason's chest with the file folder of information and waits until it's taken from him. "The address is in there. Report back only after you've got something for the police."

After Jason watches Reese walk away, he turns his sour expression on Katie. "What a great way to spend the afternoon," he comments dryly. He might be irritated on the outside, but on the inside, he was nervous. He hadn't spent any time with Katie in quite a while, especially alone with her, and under the circumstances, he really wasn't looking forward to this. But it was their job. They could do it without getting on each other's nerves, right? 

"Ten minutes and I'll have one of the cars around front. You be ready by then?" 

Kip gives Karla's hand a squeeze and he musters up a small smile for her. "Thanks. If... if you decide to stay with the band to help them out like you have been though... I wouldn't blame you. I mean I wouldn't take it personally or anything. Not that... I'd like you being out of town away from me, 'cause I like having you around and all, I just..." He shrugs. "...I don't want my decision to keep you from doing what you want." 

"Grace? This is Lydia. I didn't know if someone else would call you or not, so I thought I would, just in case." She fiddles with the cord from the kitchen phone. Grace was supposed to come work with Jared today, and Lydia was glad she'd caught her before she'd left home. 

"Jared is in the hospital again..." She goes on to explain that while Jared's shoulder surgery was an outpatient procedure, the day after, he had suddenly become very sick, unable to keep down any food, and running a high fever. Admitted into the hospital again the doctors quickly discovered a rapidly spreading infection. Because of lingering issues from his accident, his condition was considered dangerous enough for them to place him in ICU, where he still was now, a couple days later, still battling the infection. The doctors could only speculate it was something he'd picked up while in the hospital for his shoulder surgery... 

"His fever is still high, and he is on many medications, but he knew who I was when I saw him," Lydia concludes. "I am sure they would let you see him if you wanted to go. I just didn't want you to come here today and waste a trip because he is not home." 

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