

Looking up at Cindy all Wes could do was search her face, she pretty face, the face he had fallen in love with, the face of the woman who he would spend the rest of his life with, the prettiest face he still to this day had ever set eyes on. There was something about her that captivated his heart and even now it was the same, something that never was to die. 

Cindy's words cut his heart like a knife. They did not anger him and though they did make him feel slightly sad he did understand where she was coming from and if it were him in her position he would feel the same way. All he could do though was keep at least one hand on Cindy as if she might be gone again if he didn't. Wes' voice still but a whisper, soft, full of love and emotion some how pushed out the words he wanted to say.

   "I don't want to pick up where we left off because I know to much time has passed for that, but I would like to pick up and move on to our future."

Feeling Cindy's hand on his face again Wes can't help but tilt his head just a little bit so that he could nuzzle a little more into that hand and feeling clearer on his skin. Hearing the sob, and her words it shattered Wes heart. To think what it must have been like to think he was dead, to think about raising there daughter on her own. It must have been hard and than to show up here again Wes could only imagine the emotions.

Hearing Cindy's question Wes continues the silence for a long second. He's been hurt in the line of duty saving a young child's life. Being called back into the field was highly unlikely unless something major happened.

   "I promise I wont leave you for more than a day or two ever again from this point on. "

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