

As Cindy comes in for another hug Wes returns his arms around her and holds her close. Feeling her close feeling her acceptance, it was like a slice of heaven a heaven he thought he might never see again and now, her she was in his arms again. There was so much he wanted to tell her, he wanted to say to her, but right now just holding her and rocking slightly was all he could do. 

   "I miss you every second, minute, hour, day...they were never complete without you. I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

Pulling back a little bit and giving Cindy a few kiss to the forehead before burying his head into her head into her hair again and holding her. All the emotions the swirled around inside him, everything he'd been feeling this moment here just seemed to whip it all away. To be in his home, with his wife, and to see his daughter soon it took everything bad away.

   "How about we go inside and have some coffee...and I can fill you in on everything that happened mmmm...?"

Feeling Rosalyn move on top of him Chad opens his eyes again and runs his hand through her hair. He'd been awake for a while but didn't have the heart to wake Rosalyn. She looked so at peace resting there and he had been to comfortable to even think about moving her himself. This had been one of the best night sleeps he had gotten in a while.

   "You don't have to get up but I think for our own sakes we better before more people wake up and we run the risk of them seeing you leave me room. We know nothing happened but something tells me a few other people might not believe that."

Shifting a little to slip out from under Rosalyn Chad gives a stretch before turning and looking at Rosalyn and gives a smile. It really had been a good night sleep and now seeing her this morning she still looked as pretty as ever and he couldn't help but think how lucky he was again.

   "Want me to walk you out? Or do you wanna slip out on your own?"

Hearing what Scott had to say again Hope looks down at her empty hands again as Scott removed it from his arm. His words stung and Hope wasn't sure what to do now. She'd dont all she could do to let Scott know how else that she would not give up. Hope just felt so lost, and confused and hurt.

   "I...well...alright than. I guess I will just leave it at you coming to me when you want to hang out or something. Not like you don't know where I work right?"

Giving a half smile Hope wasn't sure what else to do or say. Feeling Domino next to her though it was almost like a nice tension breaker. Bending down and taking the dogs rubber bone Hope tosses it into the other room before straightening up again.

Looking back to Scott she shifts a little bit before looking around and than giving a knowing nod like everything was ok. It would be ok right? Something deeper was going on with Scott that maybe she could talk to Justin about but for now there was really nothing we can do. 

   "Well thanks for the coffee Scott. I guess I should head home now...see you soon?" 



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