
Try Talking?

Leaning into Jason Misty wasn't paying much attachen to the movie. Listening to Jason talk about his day and how strange it was, was far more important to her at the moment. She new he'd had a rough day with Katie being back and it made him feel odd she wondered though if deep down it was because he still had feelings for her. If he did Misty wouldn't blame him.

   "Sorry the day was so rough on you. I saw her a little bit this morning and she'd said hi and congrats but that was really it. Even that was a bit strange."

Shifting a little bit Misty repositions herself so she could look up at Jason and see his face better. She love to snuggle with him the only bad thing she couldn't look at him and he was way to handsome to not do that once in a while.

   "Maybe if it gets two awkward you can try sitting down and talking to Katie? It might take some of the tension away?"

Laying in her room and just looking out the window and at the sky Katie lets out a small sigh. The day had been long and strange but she had survived. What she'd really like to do it watch a movie or something with Hunter to calm down, but she guess that would have to wait.

To: Hunter
From Katie:

I did make it through the day. I think I got caught
up on all the paper work too. Sapphire did a 
good job while I was gone. Maybe tomorrow I can
do something a little more exciting.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Yeah Mick is pretty great. He's been though lots
and I think its really helped him before a little more

To: Hunter
From: Katie

I miss him too. On your way back pack him in your
bag ok? Ohhh your knee is healing...very nice. That
means you can come home soon! How are you
feeling about it?

Hearing the shouting, the argument, tempers flaring Victoria cringed at every noise, and shout she heard. It was not normal for something like this to happen, for there to be a shouting match in this house. It broke many rules, and for most it would mean the end of everything. There employment, this fantasy, of life. Hearing the bang of the door she hurrys to her window and watches as Garret makes his way to the garden. It wasn't there normal place to meet, and it would be slightly dangerous but she had to see what was going on. She'd just have to use a little craft.

Gathering a vase, and a part of flower snipers Victoria head's out to the garden letting one of the guards know she was going to be cutting some flowers if anyone was looking for her. It was something simple but it would do the trick, and believable.

Wandering around the flowers and picking some here and some there placing them in the vase Victoria finally comes to where Garret is sitting and picks a few roses before sitting down next to him and arranging them in the vase just not able to get them right.

   "Sounds like things got a little heated in there. Something must have really gone wrong to have you headed enough to lose your head and yell at my grandfather like that."

Softening a little Victoria's hand slips over to Garret's as she holds it for a moment giving it a tiny squeeze. As the days when by it seemed to get harder and harder to keep her feelings locked away, to not want to run to him no matter the time, and to tell him how she felt with anyone around. It just didn't seem fare and she wondered would it even be different?

   "Is your shoulder ok? You should probley get it looked at just to make sure no infection starts....I'm happy your back too...I missed you more this time than the last."

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