
Back to me

To: Hunter
From: Katie

I might not be there but you can still lean on me.
I'm supporting your 100% and will keep cheering
you on. Keep up the good work I want to see you 
again soon.

Smiling back up at Jason Misty was happy that at least something good had come from both there situations. She wasn't sure if this was how it was meant to be or not but at the moment it was what they both needed and it was perfect. Being able to just love each other like they had always wanted to instead of letting it stay tucked away in silence was nice.

   "I have to admit I am kind of happy too. Everything happens for a reason right? I guess we found ours."

Leaning up a little Misty leans into Jason and press her lips to his. At least the both could find a little bit of comfort in there bad situations. They had each other to lean on and to love, and grow with. It was just a nice feeling.

   "Would you like to go to church with me Sunday? I haven't gone since Carson left and I kind of miss it. I just...dont want to be alone if he's there too and I'd love for you to come with me."

Leaving her grandfather's office Victoria new even less now than when she'd gone in. He was still pretty heated and her intention and excuse was to comfort him by trying to set up another ball, or a dinner having all his business associates gather. Really though she was trying to peace together what had happened today and had failed. Maybe she'd never know what happened but as long as Garret would be ok thats what mattered to her.

Quielty slipping out into the night it was easy to get by anyone. She'd changed before dinner into one of her darker dress. Slipping past the camers, and past the guards Victoria finally makes it to her safe haven. It wasn't that anyone would think it was odd she was there but if Garret had shown up before her than they would have found it strange.

The moon lite up the area enough so Victoria could see though her eyes sight at night had become better over the years so she didn't need much. Seeing Garret sitting by the tree she slowly walks over before kneeling on the ground in front of him.

   "You're here tonight but you seem so many miles away. Will you come back to me?"

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