
Just wanted to say

Stepping inside the sub shop Katie was running a little late but the paperwork she had been doing was almost done and she had wanted to at least try to finish it. Scanning the room she hoped Jason would still be here and hadn't given up waiting on her. Seeing him she gives a small smile walking over him but not to big. He's kept his word not that she even though he would.

   "Hey, Sorry I'm late."

Ordering there food and finally settling down Katie looks down at her glass of ice the was floating in her water and slowly melting. She'd known what she wanted to say and now...now all her words seemed a million miles away.  Katie had explained to Hunter before leaving for lunch that she was going to be talking with Jason. He didn't seem happy but he's said he trusted her, and she told him it was for the sake of her job. The thickness in the air couldn't really continue. But now...she had no idea what to say.

    "I new everything I wanted to say coming into this and now...it seems words are lost. While this whole thing comes down to though is I wanted to say I am sorry. Sorry for the way I acted, sorry for the way I treated you, and sorry for not trusting you."

Unwrapping her sub finally Katie looks down at the lettuces that falls to the paper before looking up at Jason again and searching his face for a long moment again. She wanted to make things right, she wanted to be at least friends again but she had no idea how. So many emotions ran though her and she had to try and find the right way to express them.

   "There was many things I could have done better, maybe things I should have done differently and I see what now. When our connection was broken I became lost, I didn't know how to express myself, tell you I was upset, I was hurting I just...I didn't know how and the more I tried the more I failed. I should have taken into consideration how you would feel I didn't and for that I am sorry. My friendship with Hunter I never meant for it to get in our way and it did."

Pain was riddles on Katie's face as she talked. Remember Jason's looks, his pleas, his willingness to try and work things out. Katie had ignored it though, her own thick hardheadedness got in the way and destroyed everything. She saw that now and she new Jason had done nothing wrong.

   "I also wanted to say I was sorry for what happened when I saw Sandy kiss you..."

Kate lets out a long sigh. It still stung a little thinking about it.

   "...I should of talked to you, not walked away like I had...I just...I don't have an excuse other than I was hurting so much already from feeling ignored that I didn't know what else to do. So I am sorry for that, sorry for turning out back on us and putting you through heck. All I ever wanted was you, and only you that I became so wrapped up in what I had lost with our emotions, and what else I could lost, that I actually did lost it. So I...just wanted to say I was sorry to you."

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