

"Yeah... yeah, okay." Easier said than done, but Jeff would try not to let this get him down as his sister was prompting.

Finishing up with Hawk, he returns his horse to his stall and gives him an extra sheet of hay just to spoil him, before putting his bridle away. Crossing Rosetta's path again, he thinks for a moment. "I... think I'm gonna go lay down for a while before I fall over. If I don't show up for supper... have somebody come check on me, okay?" It wasn't a usual request of his, but he really wasn't feeling well.

Giving Rosetta's shoulder a little pat, he heads from the barn to Angel's first, asking how Hunter was, then going to his own bunk. He was glad Hunter was going to be okay - it could have been far worse. He still felt badly though. Hunter was a very physically active man... being laid up for several weeks minimum was not going to be easy for him. 

Once to his bunkhouse, Jeff showers and lays down on his bed to rest. He hated being so very tired, but he knew he couldn't fight it. The only thing he could do was sleep and hope that he'd bounce back quickly.

And come suppertime, he didn't show up at the dining hall, still sound asleep. 

Hunter lets Katie settle in beside him, his hand finding hers on his chest. Sighing deeply, he lets his eyes fall shut. Now this... this was comfortable. 

Katie's offer to bring him dinner brings a mumbled, "Mm-hmm," as a response. He wasn't exactly hungry at the moment, but hopefully come suppertime he'd be up to eating something. Right now though, the day's events were catching up to him fast and all he wanted was rest. 

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, and it wasn't until a couple hours later when his muscles involuntarily jerk that he's yanked awake by the pain in his knee. Giving a little groan, he shifts his weight, finding that Katie was gone. When she'd left, he had no idea. Yawning, he glances at his clock. Seemed like just yesterday he was waking about this time - time for dinner. He'd just as soon these past twenty-four hours hadn't happened at all. 

Managing to get up, get to the bathroom and back was enough work for him that he decides not to try traipsing to the mess hall. He knew Katie had offered to bring him something to eat, and he really didn't want her to have to go to all that trouble... so if she didn't think of it, he wouldn't remind her. Maybe he could bribe her to bring him some lemonade though... 

Sighing, he props his leg back up again and lies on his back. He was glad he'd been able to sleep instead of thinking too much. Come to think of it... his sleep had been very peaceful without any help at all. Could it be that... the nightmares... were over? He certainly hoped so. For some odd reason though, he just couldn't let it go at that. It was as if he suddenly knew there was a whole lot more to those nightmares than just bad dreams. Something had happened today... it had been his nightmare in real life. Things like that didn't just "happen." But... why did this happen to him? 

"Ice cream. I can do that." Alec makes that mental note while still thinking about what he'd need for under the sink. He knew where Misty kept the spare cash for when he needed supplies from the store. But today... he'd use his own money. Someone might think the little bit of pay that Misty gave him once week was pitiful - to him it was a blessing on top of a blessing. Not only was she letting him stay here and letting him fix up the shed for his own, but she was paying him for his help around the place too. Never would he ever even dream of being ungrateful. He deserved a whole lot less than this. He knew he wanted to save enough to fix up his motorcycle and have gas money to get him places... but today, buying supplies and a treat for Misty were more important. 

"Okay, well I'll see you tonight then." Ending the conversation, he goes to hunt down his sneakers before heading outside. It would take a little while to get where he needed to go, but it was a nice day for a walk.

Only after returning the favor of sticking his tongue out at Misty does Jason take another bite of his sandwich. Sitting backwards in the office chair next to her desk, he swivels back and forth until she's done with her call.

It had been a little strange for him at first, getting use to the idea of Misty being pregnant. He'd been around his mom some when she'd been expecting Kaylee, but the whole thing really was rather foreign to him. It had always freaked him out just a bit too, though he'd never admit it. Spending time with Misty though... maybe it had shown him that she was still the same Misty he always knew. They could have just as much fun, she was no different, and though there were a few things she had to be careful of now, for the most part, dating was... normal, not strange. And perhaps on the nights when Jason's mind wandered, the thought of being around a baby wasn't quite as scary as it had used to be. After all, he'd been around Kaylee as a baby, and he'd done pretty well with that. He'd never wanted his own kids, and of course, Misty having a baby was not the same as him being a father, but it did give him some new insights. He really was enjoying being with Misty, and he knew that wouldn't change, whether she was a mother or not. So perhaps... something so foreign and scary... wasn't that bad after all. And besides... it did give him some new fodder for teasing...

"Are you always in the mood for ice cream, or is it that you simply crave something or other twenty-four/seven now?" As she hangs up the phone, his eyes twinkle at her, and he pops a potato chip in his mouth, unable to hide his grin. He does shift his chair back a couple inches though, just in case a hand or foot were to fly in his direction.

"Mm... yeah... Pete's kept half an eye on Jaz as well, but it seems she spends most of the time at home. Doesn't even have a job that we know of." Reese sighs again. "You're right though... even Carson has to slip up eventually. He's good, but not that good." 

A friendly conversation? Here? Maybe. Reese takes the folder offered to him and thumbs through a few of the pictures. Carson would have a fit and fall in it if he knew these had been taken. 

"Speaking of friendly..." Reese cocks his head, shifting through a couple more photos. "Remember when you said something felt off about this whole thing, and I wasn't sure I agreed?" This wasn't the first time he'd seen some of these pictures, but today he was noticing something different. "Well... maybe you were right." 

He leans forward to spread out some of the pictures on her desk so they both could see. "What's missing?" He scans the faces of Carson and Jaz in each situation. "No holding hands... no arm over the shoulder... no kissing or making out..." He glances up to Angelica. "Not than I'm an expert..." For a moment, a silly grin quirks the corner of his mouth before he quickly shifts back on task. "But if these two are supposed to be lovers... how come there's no... loving? I mean, I don't wanna set up a camera in their apartment, but wouldn't you think there'd be some affection shown... outside the bedroom?"

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