
All Day

Coming over to Jeff Rosetta helps him remove the saddles on the horses. It was nice working next to her brother. Team work, thats what they were, both knowing there limitations and being there to help each other. Rosetta liked the feeling it gave her, and the closeness that just seemed to be there.

Listing to Jeff talk as she continues to unhook the horses Rosetta can't help the look of shock. That path was a challenge but it had never been dangerous before. The whole thing seemed kind of bazaar but anything could happen and Rosetta new this. Always expect the unexpected.

   "Wow, thats crazy. I'm happy you and Katie were there with him or who knows what could of happened."

Taking the blankets off the horses and putting them over the holding bar Rosetta stops for a second to give the horse a scratch before looking back to Jeff again. Seeing the look in his eye she new what he was thinking and she shakes her head.

   "Jeff you know this is not your fault. It could of happened to you, or Katie, or anyone. It's just one of those uncontrollable things. So don't go blaming yourself ok?"

Being pulled in for the kiss Katie gladly returns it. If anything today she learned how quickly someone can slip out of your grasp and become no more. She new if it was there time, it was there time but it was not something she wanted to quickly move along.

Pulling away a little and looking down at Hunter Katie looks deep into his eyes searching the depths. She couldn't help but wonder how much of his real emotions he was hiding but she could guess it was quite a few. Something like this might be better thinking about it alone.

   "You're welcome Hunter, and I guess God deiced it wasn't. He must have some unfinished business to do with you yet."

Looking around the office Katie spots the crutches. Going over and grabbing them she brings them back to Hunter. She wasn't sure how long he would need them, or have to be off his feet but it was anything like when Jason hurt his knee it would be several weeks.

   "Here they are. Just take it slow and I will help. No need to hurry though I've got all day."

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