

Looking up at Justin Beth gives a sniff trying to stop from crying. Be strong she told herself, be strong for him. Justin had been there for her more than once, he had helped her become strong, Beth was a better person because of Justin the least she could do now was try and continue to be strong.

   "Ok, I'll come with your to the hospital but can we drive? I'd like that better."

Letting out a long sigh and flicking some of her tears away. Beth wished she was much stronger and she didn't have to cry, she wish the fear that coursed through her vains would subside now that everything was ok. She was alive and that was a big plus but she couldn't help the fear that made her wonder if it would happen again. 

The afternoon went buy pretty fast enough though there wasn't really much time before starting the work in the barns and dinner it still seemed to go in almost a snap of the fingers.  Exiting the barn and taking her work gloves off Katie looks around. Not seeing Hunter anywhere she wondered what kind of tastes her Uncles had him up to now.

Heading to the bunk house to shower and change out of her dirty cloths Katie makes a quick job of it. Just leaving her hair down for now to air dry she makes her way to the mess hall to wait for Hunter. 

It's not long finding a place for them both and sitting down that Hunter comes in the door. Feeling Hunter bump her shoulder and than her comment to follow Katie can't help the grin that spreads across her lips. Even the smallest hello would be enough for Katie to smile. Just something about Hunter had that affect on her.

   "I though for sure my Uncles took you out into the woods and either shot you for showing them up, got you lots, or worked you to death."

Giving Hunter's food a tap with her own Katie looks to him her eyes twinkling. It was nice teasing Hunter and knowing he could take it. Than again if he could take her Uncles he could take her with flying colors. Maybe thats where she got her own humor from.

   "How did the work go?"

Giving Jared the support he needed Grace had no problem going slow, or fast. It didn't bother her how much he leaned on her either. It really didn't bother her even if it bothered Jared. It was part of her job and she had seen far worse. 

Once he was settled and hearing him talk about wanting to drive on his own Grace gives a laugh. It was not as easy at it looked but she would let him give it a shot. Just watching him with every wall he bumped, every table that was knocked Grace cringed a little bit and laughed along with it. At least he was trying and that did count. 

   "Alright crazy driver let me take over here before you hurt yourself more. However keep practicing and I might just give you that license."

Pushing Jared the rest of the way outside Grace finds a nice sunny spot for them to sit and work. She sun felt good on her skin and she new Jared liked it too. It was better than being cooped inside only bad part was knowing this was not a social visit but work.

   "Alright, so we are going to start to toe and let movement. I want you to start by moving your toes, than using my help we are going to move your lets in circular movements, up and down. While I move them I want you to considerate on moving them. We are going to get those lets to remember how to work...ok?"

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