
Driver's License

"It's okay," Justin continues to soothe, still keeping Beth safe in his arms. The last thing he wanted was to frighten her even more. "I don't like hospitals either, but we need to make sure you're taken care of." 

Drawing back slightly to look down into her eyes, his heart broke even more. She looked like a petrified little girl, and it hurt to see her like this. Reaching up one hand, he brushes away some of her tears. "I promise I'll be right beside you the whole time. Can you do it for me? I'll feel a lot better if a doctor can stitch you up. Then we can go home and it'll all be over." 

He plants a soft kiss on her cheek before wiping away another tear with his thumb. "You're doing great. I know you can be strong for just a little while longer. Come with me to the hospital... okay?" 

Jeff smiles and locks eyes with Rosetta for just a moment. He knew that he had a lot of miserable days and a lot of lonely days too. But he was loved. And understood. And he really couldn't ask for much more. "Okay... see you later then." 

Leaving the office, he heads straight to his bunkhouse where he slips off his shoes and sinks down on his bed. He was glad he'd had a little fun with Hunter and Katie, and sure was glad he was home. But just those few activities had completely drained him and he was exhausted. He hadn't realized how such an ordeal with his heart - though relatively minor - could sap his energy like this. But he really was so tired... 

Left standing, Hunter watches Katie walk away before finally heading to his own bunkhouse too. His legs really didn't feel like working, but as long as he kept moving, he didn't feel as sore. Tonight he'd take another hot shower and that should help. After the big deal everyone had made earlier, he wasn't about to act as though he was all that sore. Whether necessary or not, he was going to prove he could handle it. 

Soon he met up with Katie again, ready to work. Though supper was going to be soon, it still left enough time for Mick to snatch Hunter away to help with fixing one of the corral gates then hauling a bunch of fence posts out to the back pasture to begin extending the fenceline. By the time that work was done, Hunter was ready to call it a day - though he wouldn't say so. He didn't see hide nor hair of Katie until supper when he finally found her inside saving him a seat... 

Easing down next to her, he bumps her shoulder playfully. "Hello, stranger." 

Back in the corner, Dylan is bent over several school books. He was sweaty and dirty from working outside and in the barn all day but hadn't had time to take a shower. Sitting alone in the corner was probably the best place for him to be because of it too. 

Turning another page, his eyes focus on the words as he tries to retain the information. He'd already worked several hours earlier today but it wasn't enough - he was still playing catch-up, and so badly wanted to not get behind any more. If he could read enough chapters by tonight, he could take three tests tomorrow and get those over with. So far his grades were good enough that he didn't need a whole lot of tutoring from Rosetta but... just barely. He knew Mick wished he would have more As than Cs, but he just couldn't focus and do that well especially when he was working in the barn so much too. Maybe on these next set of tests he could at least get Bs? It was worth a try. 

Glancing up as someone else enters the dining room, he watches Hunter go sit with Katie. Not surprising. Did anyone else find those two obvious, or was it just Dylan that noticed? He wasn't sure. 

Looking back down to his book, his stomach growls. One more chapter, then he could eat. Just one more chapter...

Jared's lips twitch as he grins. "Don't tempt me. I might take all day to get in that chair if you're gonna have your arms around me." 

Taking a deep breath, he brings himself closer to the edge of the bed and eyes the wheelchair for several moments, trying to figure out how to do this. He knew Grace could direct him on the best route, but he also knew that she was going to let him do as much on his own as he could. He needed to be able to do some things on his own, especially if he was going to be using a wheelchair for a while. He couldn't be dependent on others for everything all the time. 

Using his hands, he moves his legs over the bed where they dangled rather lifelessly. He wriggles is toes a little though just to reassure himself that he still could. Looking to the chair again he then glances up to Grace. Did she know that this was kind of frightening to him? 

Mustering up his courage, he leans off the bed and sets a hand on the chair's armrest to hold his weight. It took a bit of doing, and he did need Grace's help so he wouldn't fall face-first to the floor a couple times, but finally he's sitting in the wheelchair. Out of breath and in pain, he shakes his head. "Either I'm gonna have to walk again, or I'm gonna have to learn how to do this better - there's gotta be an easier way." 

Starting to be pushed forward, he reaches down and stops the wheels with his hands. "It's not right that every time we go out, you have to do the driving." Leaning his head back so he can look up at Grace, a new grin creases his lips. "Let's see if I can earn my driver's license." 

It isn't easy... and a few walls and doorways were bumped and banged, but Jared does manage to get himself most of the way to the back door before his arms were just too tired to keep trying so he lets Grace take him the rest of the way. Once outside, he feels the warmth of the sun, just soaking it in. "Mm... this is nice." What he really wanted was to just sit and enjoy the outside with Grace. But he knew that she was here to do a job. He knew it was going to hurt and he wasn't looking forward to it.

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