
Long Day

Feeling Eric's arms go around her Stacy smiles. She new it was him just by the way he smelled. Even on a day he had been working his butt off there was still just something that told her it was him.

   "Of course I will...as long as you leave the hat home so I can look into your eyes tonight."

Giving a smile and kissing one of Eric's hands Stacy loved seeing the soft color that came to his cheeks. And truth be told even if Eric showed up tonight with his hat on she would still have saved a spot for him. She enjoyed his company and new Ashlee did too how could she turn him away.

Getting up from the edge of the bed and opening the door Katie gives a little smile seeing Hunter. She wasn't sure if he would go straight to the mess hall or come get her first. She was happy he had come so they could walk together. 

Katie got along ok with the other people at the ranch but she just didn't feel close to them. With Hunter she would almost say it was safe to call him her best friend. Even if the news of Jason calling got her down seeing Hunter still made her smile.

   "Look at you. After a long hard day or work you sure do clean up nice don't you."

Turning around and shutting the light off in her room Katie takes her cell phone from her pocket and looks at it for a long moment. Finally she throws it on the bed shutting the door behind her. No one was going to call or text and Hunter was here so there was no point in carry it. If someone did she could return it later.

   "Alright...ready to eat?"

Watching Alec walk away Misty's heart broke for him. She could see the pain he was in, she could tell so much was bottled inside that he just wouldn't let come out and it hurt she couldn't help him more than she had. There was no magic wand...only time.

Finishing up the last sip of her tea Misty gives a yawn. It had been a long day and she was feeling it now. Standing and putting her cup in the sink Misty heads into the living room. Placing a hand on Alec shoulder she gives a small smile.

   "I am happy you will be staying. It's gonna be ok Alec, Maybe not today, or not tomorrow but it will be ok."

Giving a soft pat Misty had done all she could tonight to let him know he was not alone. She cared for him, and even if other didn't show it, or know how they did too. Maybe tomorrow things would be just a little bit better.

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