
Unanswered Question

Hearing that Carson no longer lived there, Alec's gaze shoots up in surprise. What? Carson and she were separated? Was that what Carson had meant when he'd implied his life wasn't so grand? Alec was truly shocked. He knew his brother could be a jerk but he'd never expected them to part. Not that he knew it was Carson's fault, but that would be his first guess. He wondered what on earth had happened, but he doesn't ask... not now anyway. Maybe later he'd find out more, but for now, the conversation moved on, so he let it.

Having a second bowl of soup offered, he doesn't complain. This was his first good meal in too long, and he wasn't going to take it for granted. Giving Misty a look of appreciation, he nods his thanks. She really was being too kind.

After another coughing fit hits and he calms down, he nods to her question. "I've tried at a couple construction places - one place didn't like my record and the other just wasn't hiring right now. Sounds like there might be another place or two I can look into though..." He pauses to eat some more. With his stomach filling, the cough medicine kicking in, and his exhaustion lingering, he was becoming quite drowsy. "I guess I'm just so tired of running into brick walls that my motivation is lacking at the moment." That much was true. He was downright depressed is what he was. Not a day went by now that he didn't regret his past decisions. 

Falling silent, he works on his soup, while his mind still processed what he was feeling and trying to say. "I... I wanted Reese to send me to prison," he admits. "That's why I was getting into trouble after..." He keeps his eyes focused on his spoon. "After Ryan wouldn't take me back." Stifling a cough, he takes another couple spoonfuls of soup. "I didn't expect him to just set me loose. It's what I was always fighting for, ya know?" He eventually glances up at Misty again. "And now that I got it... it's a living nightmare." 

He shrugs lamely and polishes off his soup, now full and satisfied. Pushing the bowl aside, he sighs deeply. A few more quiet moments pass before he lifts his eyes once more. He was so low. So beat down. So tired. 

Thunder shakes the house as a reminder that it was still pouring rain outside. He really didn't relish the idea of walking back across town. "Did... did you really mean it about me staying here?"

How Katie had figured out so quickly that he'd gotten drunk after the accident, Hunter would never know. Either he was much more obvious than he thought, or she was smarter. Maybe both. 

Folding one arm across his chest, he settles back into his motorcycle seat and grins a little. He'd missed Katie's voice and was glad now she'd decided to call him when he hadn't had enough guts to make the call himself. 

"In need huh?" He wonders if that were really true. Maybe he was. Maybe he'd been in need for longer than he'd admit. He was fine on his own, living life and surviving well. It wasn't like he was out on the street or struggling to live. And yet... inside... he'd been struggling to stay afloat for a long time now. He'd thought returning to Nevada wouldn't matter. He'd been wrong. This place was full of old memories and old friends that just proved to make his inner battles worse. And now... just as a little bit of light was forcing its way through the cracks, he was afraid of what might be exposed: his own selfishness, recklessness and pride. 

Realizing he'd paused too long, he sighs. "Well... I'll think about it. I guess I kinda miss you too... maybe... sorta." He chuckles, knowing that Katie would know he was teasing. "Good food is always a plus. And I'm not afraid of helping out. So... I'll carefully consider your offer. But first, you haven't answered my question about how you're doing."

"Okay." Zach agrees to finishing out the night. He gives Beth a small smile, doing his best to still make this enjoyable. He was disappointed, but that didn't mean he had any less respect for Beth, or that he'd want to make her feel badly. She'd had a choice, and had chosen. Period. 

"Maybe that changes a few of my plans..." He thinks of his planned kiss again. "...but that's alright. I'm known for going with the flow."

Mustering up another smile, he lifts his water glass. "To you... one of the brightest, most fun, prettiest women I know. To your honesty... and to our friendship." And a friendship it would remain. Zach knew that they probably wouldn't be spending quite as much time together, but if he continued to drop by the bar, and if she did volunteer at the shelter, at least he'd get to see her then.

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