

Sitting down with her own bowl of soup as well Misty hadn't been hungry till she started cooking. Just thinking for a long moment while taking a sip of the soup Misty wondered if she had an answer for Alec. It was just who she was. 

   "Though you have done things wrong you have never done anything wrong to me and there is just something...I don't know what it is but there is something I see in you. Maybe its the same thing I saw in Carson so long go but I only hope you grow and learn and don't let me down."

Putting her spoon down for a second Misty looks across the table at Alec. Just searching his face Misty couldn't help but feel bad for him. He'd been delt a rough hang and from his own doing she new was true but she still felt bad. He'd been lost, and now getting back up was hard.

   "So tell me whats been going on."

Beth gives a smile to Zach. She could see the look of disappointment in his eyes, and could see maybe somewhere there was a ach in his heart. Beth couldn't help but feel bad but she was thankful that it seemed Zach was understanding. 

   "No I'd like to finish out our night...as long as it wont be to strange for you."

Giving another soft smile Beth still wanted to enjoy the nice meal with her friend though if he said he though it better to leave now she would understand as well. They'd come all this way, got dressed, and started a nice meal she would hate to rune it completely.

Still sitting on the porch leaning against the railing. Listing to everything Hunter was talking about Katie had to say something like that was bound to happen sooner or later. She still couldn't help but feel bad for him being able to tell in his voice it really bothered him.

   "Maybe you need that bad rep ruined eh?"

Katie's voice was laced with a little bit of humor though she really meant what she said too. Hunter had hit that point where he almost killed someone and his self. And now he was in the depression stage and she could definitely tell it.

   "You know...maybe you should just get away for a little while. Your still welcome here if you want. There is enough room and its a great place to regroup, and recover."

Truth be told there was part of Katie that wished he would come. She missed her friend, and was a little bit home sick. Though she loved the ranch spending time in Nevada for so long it was a little hard to revert back again. So it would be nice to have something from home, come to her.

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