

"Okay." Gage nods his agreement. "Movie... and making out. Yes... it sounds like a good plan to me." 

Grinning, he stands and offers Sapphire a hand up. "Thanks, Saph... for everything. You know, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. All this I've got... what I've accomplished... I'm actually in my own apartment now - I never thought I'd have that, and... well, I don't think I would have, if you hadn't had faith in me. So..." His hands clasp around hers. "...all kidding aside... thank you." 

Dani growls and grabs an extra chair, flopping down in it. Taking a deep breath, she lets it out slowly, trying to calm herself. "It's just like I said... Carson left Misty for another woman. He's moved in with Jaz already and just told me about it this morning before I got off work." 

Now that she'd gotten all her anger out, she found that hurt resided underneath it all too, and tears sting her eyes. "I'm sorry I yelled, I just... I'm still in shock and I can't believe he'd do something like this but... but he did." 

She sniffs and swallows hard. "I told him I was gonna quit my job too. I just can't work for someone like him... who lives a lie like that."

Hearing all of this, Scott's heart sinks a little. He had his problems with Carson because of the Agency, but nevertheless, he'd thought the man had changed. At the very least, Scott had known how happy Misty had been, and that made this whole thing even sadder. 

Reese despised divorce. It was not of God and it tore apart families. But in this case, there was no way he could condemn Misty for her decision. She had the grounds, and with her past history with Carson, this was simply the last straw. Reese didn't need to know details - anybody else he might question as to whether or not things could be worked out, or he'd encourage counseling. But looking at Misty now - he had no doubt that this was one situation that could not be resolved.

He nods slowly. "I understand... and I don't blame you." He keeps his arm around her, wishing there was some way he could make all of this go away for her. In a way, he was glad she was taking action so quickly - it would help get things over with faster and maybe she could finally move on from Carson's despicable behavior.

"You're right - it's not you. Carson developed his bad habits and... and this sickness... long before he met you. You did all you could and I'm sure that none of this has anything to do with you - it's him and his giving in to things he shouldn't." Reese knew there were always two sides to a story, and it wasn't like he lived with them to see how they functioned as a married couple. But he knew good and well that Misty had tried her very hardest to be a good wife, and that was proof enough for him.

"If you need any time off work for anything, just say the word. I don't want you overworking yourself and jeopardizing that baby." He gives her a new smile. "You know you're gonna be watched like a hawk now, right?"

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