

Being pulled down on the ground with Gage Sapphire gives a laugh and braces herself up on her elbows so not all of her weight was on Gage. Just looking down into his eyes the smile spread across her face she couldn't help but let her own eyes twinkle. He sure had a way of making her feel special, and she liked it.

   "Ohhh...you don't HAVE to let me go. I mean I work in the morning, but thats about it. If I go in with tired eyes I don't think my boss would mind TO much."

Leaning down Sapphire presses her lips to Gage's for a moment just letting the kiss linger and letting her emotions pour out. She'd missed seeing Gage all day and now that it was late she new she had to go but really, she didn't want too. She enjoyed her time with him, she enjoyed talking to him and hearing about his day. But the reality was she did have to go.

Finally pulling away and rubbing her nose against his for a quick second she gives a long sigh. If she didn't go she would be tired tomorrow and that would not be acceptable.

   "I guess I should go though...Don't want to push my limits to much right."

Once Jason was gone and Misty cleaned up from dinner sleep did not come easy. Getting up again and going to the kitchen she cleaned it more top to bottom even scrubbing the floors. Thinking maybe now she could sleep Misty headed back to bed.

Just laying staring into the dark the bed felt so big, so lonely. Carson's aftershave lingered on the pillow how Misty longed to hold him but new she could not, how she wanted to feel him kiss her good night, but those lips were not her own anymore. And so the sleepless night continued and morning came all to quick but Misty was happy because now she could wake and go to work where the news would have to spread.

..."I figured you would be next in line to know that...your going to be a great Uncle."

Misty's eyes were heavy and tired but work is where she found herself to drowned away thoughts, to become wrapped up in work and forget memories. But she owed it to a few people no matter how tired and sad she was that they should know. Her Uncle would be the first.

   "Carson's left me. I got a note from him yesterday when I got home that said over the last few months he'd been cheating on me and now he was moving in with another woman. Thats why I didn't came back from lunch yesterday...I just...couldn't."

She tried her best to be strong and not let her pain show but she new the more she tried the more it would and her Uncle would know better. Misty might be a strong woman, but her heart was on her sleeve and she human like anyone else.

   "So....thats all thats going on right now."

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