

Sitting next to her dad and just holding his hand Katie lets out her own small sigh. She didn't understand where Jeff was coming from or how he felt with this whole thing but she could only guess not good. Katie did feel bad, and wish more could be done but she new that really unless Jeff was willing there was nothing more.

   "I'll be sticking around for a while so we have lots of time to ride and do things together."

A little pang on guilt hits Katie's heart as she remembered how she'd yelled at Jeff earlier. She was upset with herself for losing contole like that but on the same hand she was upset with Jeff for continuing to force himself to do things. She just didn't understand, and it hurt.

Angel just shakes her head. She was at a loss with this one too. Jeff had to slow it down or he was going to end up killing himself but how to get him to understand that she didn't know. It made her worried though that he wouldn't and at the same time it made her fell helpless.

   "I'm at a loss on this one so if you can think of any ideas let me know. I can try putting him on an antidepressant and seeing if that helps any even through I hate the idea of that."

Letting out a sigh and heading inside Angel walks to the kitchen to get some food for Katie and for Jeff. She didn't like the idea of putting anyone on a depression medicine but if it would help would it be work it? She wondered too though if Jeff would even agree to taking them at all or would it be another fight.

   "I work at noon so if you want I can drive you to get your stuff and than back here. I'll stop at the hardware store tonight and get an extra key for you too."

Misty new Alec's apartment was quite a walk from here and he was still sick too. The last thing he needed walk to be walking far again and get even worse. She didn't have to be to work till late so she didn't mind driving him one bit.

   "As for something to do around the house I think we can start with the back yard. After the high winds we had a few months ago it looks horrible out there. If you would like to clean it up for me that would be great."

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