

Jeff sighs and nods, giving Katie's hand a little squeeze. He was still upset, but he didn't want her to think he was mad at her. He wasn't happy that she wouldn't leave him be to his own decisions, but he still loved her and didn't want her to walk away thinking he didn't. 

"There won't be any rides if Angel keeps trying to tell me what to do," he responds calmly. 

As the wave of dizziness passes, he opens his eyes again to study Katie's face. She was so worried. He hated that. She was here for her, not him. This was her time to get better and find herself - not sit around concerned about him. 

"Ya know... all I needed was a short rest." His finger runs along hers as his tone remains gentle even though he wasn't happy. "I'm not gonna stop living just because my heart isn't as strong as someone else's or just because my nerves are shot. I've only got a short time on earth - I don't wanna spend it sitting around doing nothing. That's no way to live." 

Mick follows Angel to the kitchen, mulling over their options. "Well... it might be worth a try." He leans on the counter in thought. "I wonder what set him off though. I mean, he wasn't like this before. I thought he'd accepted he was useful with lighter tasks and all of a sudden he's tossing hay bales, breaking in horses and going out for long rides." He shrugs. "Maybe it's 'cause Katie's here and he doesn't want to be weak in front of her, although he's spent time with her before and been fine." 

Assisting Angel with some of the food, he shakes his head. "If it was depression though, I wouldn't think he'd be this motivated. I'd think he's sulk more. I think he's more angry than depressed. And that... I don't know how to combat. On the other hand... it is his life. No matter how much we want to chain him down, if he wants to run himself into the ground to feel useful then... it's his choice." 

Alec is ready to argue with Misty that he can walk, but another coughing fit makes him change his mind. Yeah... maybe a ride was best. And she was even going to get him a key? She really was serious about him staying with her. She'd said so but... it felt a little more set now. It had happened so quickly too, he still was just a little awkward, hoping he was doing the right thing and not being a burden. 

"Okay... I only have a few clothes and a couple little things but otherwise my apartment is about as bare as it was the day I moved in." 

Hearing about the backyard, he nods without hesitation. "I can do that." Anything to make him feel that he was earning his keep. It was... a new sensation. It was... humility. It didn't necessarily feel good, but it didn't feel so bad either.

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