
Let him die

Giving another laugh Victoria continues to dance almost as if floating. To have a good dance partner made it all the easyer.

"Life needs a good mystery ro maintain the fun."

The next few moments seemed like a blurr. Screaming, shouting, running it all happened so fast there was hardly time for reaction and with her hand locked with her dance partnure there was no time to grab her own gun.

As she is spun around to come face to face with the man and his gun there was no fear in her eyes as she faced it head on yet under her skin she was shaking.

Seeing Garret coming twords them Victoria's hand tightened slightly around Mr. Harkins. Garret was always her knight, ever watching.

The shot rings out, the man fall to the floor and Garret soon to follow everything once again seemed so fast. Seeing deep red stain though on Garret's shirt a gasp get stuck in Victoria's throat.

"We need help in here, quickly."

Looking to her grandfather her face held confustion. What had happened here tonight. One dead and his closest guard shot.

"How did someone catch this. We could if been the ones dead tonight."

Looking around to one of the guards Victoria waves him over. Doing her best to keep her composure, to fight everything that told her to go to Garret. He was laying there and inside she was dieing.

"Put pressure on the wound but not to much invade the bullet us still in there. The medics should be here any moment. Do not let him die or my grandfather will having your head for killing his closest who just saved me life."
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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