

"Mmm... good question." Garret shakes his head before leaning back in the swing and sighing deeply. Medridge always had a plan - always. Everything he did had a reason and nothing was done without having first thought it through. Victoria was right. Something as simple as her being at a party had a purpose. She might find out tonight. Maybe a week from now. And there was a chance she never would know what the purpose was. But it was a given that Medridge had a reason for her being there. 

Keeping his arm around Victoria's shoulders, Garret falls silent, his eyes simply roaming the trees that surrounded this tiny haven. He had a few more minutes before he'd be missed. That's all they had - a few minutes at a time. Yet their bond had somehow grown in spite of it.

"I'm on the list to train some new recruits," he comments quietly. He knew she would understand. Training didn't take place here. It took place somewhere else... somewhere far from here. And the program for new recruits required at least three months before they were passed on to another area of the Agency system. It made sense that Garret would be chosen to be a trainer, as his skills surpassed those of many other agents. So far though, he'd succeeded in ducking the job. He had everything it took to teach someone else - but he'd rather be here. If succeeding at being an instructor, there was a chance he would be forced to stay one, and that would mean not coming back here... and not seeing Victoria. No, he'd prefer not to be chosen from the list of other qualified agents. 

Pulling back his arm, his hand slips down into hers, his skin rough against her own. "Maybe your grandfather won't want to give me up as being his right hand man." He'd done his best to maintain his position, but within the Agency, no one's position was ever guaranteed. 

"Garret - you're needed in the conference room at the house." 

Garret grimaces but answers the mic on his wrist. "On my way." Looking back to Victoria, he gives her an expression of apology. This time hadn't been long enough. Leaning in, he gives her another kiss, letting this one linger for just a few moments. "I'll see you later tonight." 

Standing up, he finally lets go of her hand. "Look pretty... for me, not the guests." Winking at her, he turns to go before he stirred up any suspicion of his whereabouts.

...It would be several hours until they'd see each other again. Guests were arriving. To an outsider, it would seem a grand ball. But to those who knew better, understood that everyone invited had more motive than a few drinks and dances. No, like everything else, there was purpose here that perhaps only Medridge knew. Those arriving were either aware of plans or would be soon. They were wealthy. People of influence. People of politics. People who could be bought with money and ideas of power. People who would not question those who would be hurt. 

The party was not abnormal. Medridge often wined and dined those he wished to trap in his web. It was just a question of who would be seduced and who would refuse. 

...Garret's knuckle knocks lightly on the elegant bedroom door. No longer looking like an armed assassin, any weapons were well hidden so that the only thing anyone saw was a tuxedo. He was cleaned up well, his hair combed and his shoes shined. And it was all a must.

"Miss Medridge?" he inquires through the door. "I've been asked to escort you to the ballroom." In truth, he'd manipulated a couple other guys on duty to make it so they were unavailable, leaving him to be asked to bring Medridge's pride to join the party. "Are you ready or would you like me to come back?"

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