

"Dylan?" Mick calls down the barn aisle and waits for a response but receives none. Wandering into the barn, he searches for his son, but comes up empty-handed. Pausing to think of where else to look, he shakes his head, muttering under his breath. "You've got to be kidding me." Two days in a row? Seriously? At least this time Ashlee was unable to go anywhere so it was just Dylan. But really now... this was ridiculous.

The boy hadn't shown up for breakfast, but Mick had thought nothing of it, since his son was most likely still in a bad mood and was known for skipping meals if he was upset. A while later, Sparky had asked him where Dylan was after he hadn't shown up for his riding lesson. Mick had volunteered to hunt him down, but now, after searching the barn and surrounding paddocks, and after glancing in Dylan's bunkhouse, he had seen nothing. After that, he'd taken a walk around the ranch to all the places his son normally went to sulk - all the places he'd visited the day before on the very same mission - but still found nothing.

By now, it was getting close to lunchtime. Mick had gotten very little done this morning and was quickly becoming irritated. He'd only asked a couple of the ranch hands if they'd seen anything and none had. Everyone else was too busy to notice him wandering around, and that was fine with him. He was feeling rather stupid for going through this routine the second time in two days. Deep down, though, he was also just a little bit worried. Yesterday, Dylan running off wish Ashlee was one thing. Today, the kid was upset, so who knew what he'd be up to? What if he went and did something really stupid? What if he got into trouble alone somewhere? What if the Agency nabbed him while he was in this vulnerable position? If something really did happen, Mick's guilt would increase ten-fold.

He shakes his head again. He'd go see if Dylan had shown up for lunch. And if not, at least there'd be more people there to question.

Getting to the dining hall, he lets himself in, seeing many had gathered already. The scent of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches wafted in the air. Mick's stomach growls but he ignores it.

His eyes find Rosetta across the room and he allows her to see his worry so she'd know that he'd been unsuccessful in his search. He'd vented to her the evening before about Dylan, the fight, and his own guilty conscience. it didn't help matters any though.

Clearing his throat, he waves to get everybody's attention, giving a short but shrill whistle.

Those standing or seated look in his direction. Jade had just gotten settled next to Dan and looks up quickly, surprised and wondering what it was her Dad looked so concerned about.

Mick purses his lips. "I know we went through this yesterday... but has anyone seen Dylan today at all?"

There were may heads shaking no.

Jim frowns from where he sat near Mick. "He's missing again?"

"Yeah. At least I can't find him." Mick grits his teeth and finds Stacy over to the side. But she didn't look like she knew anything either. He throws up his arms lamely. "Alright, well... if anyone sees him, please let me know." What he should do now, he wasn't sure.

Wyatt finally looks at Aerith and shifts his arm around so he could hold her close. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just take advantage of this in spite of why it happened."

He gives the top of her head a kiss. "Wanna run away with me?" he teases.

Smirking, he shakes his head. "I guess maybe I just need to accept that everything has changed. The Elite... Dad... everything. Not anything else I can do about it, so..." He shrugs. "All I can do is come see my girlfriend at wee hours in the morning and deprive her of sleep."

Confused, Scott looks down at the box. He didn't understand. What was it? Why was Hope giving him something?

After a hesitant glance at her across the table, his fingers slowly open the box. As his eyes come to rest on his camera, his heart jumps. His camera. His favorite camera. The good one. The one he'd used for all of his favorite pictures. He knew it wasn't just a replacement because he recognized a scratch on the side from when he'd dropped it once. It was the camera he'd...thrown away.

His gaze snaps up and locks with Hope's for a long moment. How had she known? Who had seen him give it up that day? Why had she kept it for him?

A lump rises in his throat. Looking back down at the camera, he carefully lifts it out of the box. His fingers wander around this precious tool, feeling at home on the cool surface. He suddenly feels tears pooling behind his eyes. He couldn't remember a time he'd received such a thoughtful gift. He was glad he'd come tonight.

Finally looking back at Hope again, a faint smile creases his lips. "Thank you," he manages. "I think I... I'm ready to try this thing out again." It was more than just a camera to him - it was part of him, his hobby, his therapy, his outlet.

A short bark brings a sudden end to the moment and he glances down at Domino who seemed quiet perturbed that her master was so preoccupied. He grins and shakes his head. "Spoiled brat."

She puts her front paws on his leg and wriggles, having no clue he'd just called her a brat, but simply loving it that he'd talked to her at all.

Scott sighs. Setting the camera aside, he turns sideways in his chair and lets Domino up in his lap where she really wanted to be. She's quick to accept, sitting right down on his legs and giving a little huff of approval. She looks over at Hope and gives a happy whimper as if telling her she was quite content now.

Scott rolls his eyes but gives in and lets his hand give her some loving. Eventually though, he does look back over to Hope. He was glad for this little interruption... it gave him an excuse to cease eating without making her feel bad he hadn't finished his plate. "I, um..." What was he really trying to say? Maybe he didn't even know. "Thanks for... for still believing in me... even when I didn't."

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