
Made Day

Laying in her bed and just looking off into space Ashlee's mind wonders. She was tired from the pain killers Angel had given her and more so from the crying fest she had, had after the visit. Having her mom tell her she was disappointed hurt and Ashlee wasn't sure how to handle it.

Hearing the voice outside her window brings her attachen around. Shifting around on the bed so she was closer to the window and could whisper Ashlee looks to the door. She moment wasn't there right now so she didn't have to be to quiet. Ashlee looks over the sill to see Dylan.

"Hey, I didn't think I'd see you for a while after what happened today."

Ashlee had been embarssed today beyond anything else. She could only imagen how much worse it must have been for Dylan. To have your personal problems, or issues from the past just blurted out like that in front of people could not have been fun. She had felt bad for him and now yet here he was at her window. Ash couldn't help but smile a little thinking this was like something from a book.

"Angel said my ankle was severely sprained but nothing was broken. For the next few weeks I am going to have to use crutches and slowly start walking on it again. All in all it could of been worse for sure."

Letting out a long sigh for a moment Ashlee searches Dylan's eyes. She could tell he was still upset and he had a right to be. She just wished this hole mess hadn't happens to start with. Everything just got worse than it really had to be and it sucked. If there was a way to fix it all Ash would have done it in a heart beat. The last thing she wanted was to lose her friend.

"How about you? Are...you ok?"

Just sitting in silence for a little bit Aerith didn't mind it one bit. Silence could be just as good as talking and she new in time words would be said. She was in no rush so there was no point in hurrying the conversation alone.

As Wyatt starts to talk and Aerith listens a look of surprise cross her face as he mentions he was put on probation. She couldn't image what he would have don't to deserve that or why Reese would do so if his son was doing the right thing. It seemed strange and confusing all in the same breath.

"Probation? For what? I know you can't go into detail but if you were doing the right thing with or without all the details how is that worth probation?"

Locking her fingers with Wyatt's Aerith could tell the whole thing was really getting to him. Part of her wondered if it was just work or maybe something more to it. His comment about quitting made her wonder even more. She'd seen him stressed with his job before but never to the point of quitting. This was something completely new.

"Oh Wyatt? Would you really want to quit? You've always talked about how much you love your job."

Jason's question of if that was a good thing lingers for a long moment as Katie rolls onto her back before swinging her legs around and sitting up. A good thing? She felt empty, lost, and not understanding how to feel. Yeah that was a good thing alright.

"It saved your life thats really all that matters. You living, taking another breath and being able to live your life is a good thing."

Katie gives a small smile letting Jason know it was a good thing. Maybe at this point it was good he couldn't feel her but than again if he did feel her she wouldn't be feeling nothing, and than...Jason would also be dead. There was no good end point to this so Katie was just going to have to find the a way to deal.

"Thats what the people from The Agency said. As far as I can see right now...I can't feel anything."

Those words felt bitter on her tongue. True but bitter and she hated saying them. She only hoped they didn't come across as cold.

"How about you? Feel anything?"

Moving around the kitchen putting stuff into bowls and placing settings at the table Hope gives a smile to Scott. Hope could see the awkwardness in his eyes and hear the hesitance in his voice. She tried to make the atmusphere as comfortable as possible but she new it would just take time for Scott to feel completely comfortable again.

"You're very welcome. Things here for me are pretty normal. Not much has changed other than getting tired quickly and going to bed around nine because I have nothing better to do."

Hope gives a small chuckle. Sometimes she wished she could get out and do more but all in all it didn't bother her to much. She really didn't have anyone to do anything with anyways. But now that Scott was back, maybe...just maybe that would change.

"I'm happy you did show up at TJY.." Hope places the last bowl on the table before sitting down across from Scott. "..it sure did make my day. I missed you very much."

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