
Someone out there

Feeling the heat come to her face, Stacy can't take her eyes off Eric. This morning there was light and hope in his eyes, not to mention his rugged good looks. "Good... good morning!"

Finally removing her hand from his arm as his hands slip from her waste, she lets her eyes break from his as she digs her foot into the dirt a little. "Sorry about running into you. I really should look where I'm going more." Looking up again, she gives a smile as her eyes sparkle in the sunlight. Getting stuck in a stare again, she wanted to say more, but she felt tongue-tied.

Coming around the corner, Ashlee was sure she saw her mom come this way. Seeing them both standing there, she stops. A small smile spreads across her face - almost like she knew something no one else did.

Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, Stacy looks quickly to the left. Realizing it was Ashlee, her face grows even more red and she stands up a little straighter. "Ash, I was just looking for you to see if you wanted to come into town with me quick to grab a few things." She clears her throat quickly, trying to recover from the whole situation.

Taking note to the awkward air that surrounded her mom, Ashlee can't help but feel sorry for her a little. "Yeah, I'll come along. There are a few things I need. Just let me know when you are ready."

"I'm good now." Stacy gives a nod to Eric before starting away with her daughter. Looking over at Ash as they walk, she was looking back at her with almost a mysterious hope in her eye. "Ash, don't even think about it."

"What? I didn't even say anything."

"I know. You didn't have to."

Standing on her tiptoes a little bit to see around Kip, Hope just listens to his words. They were ones spoken from someone who was lost, cast aside, and so much hurt inside them from someone who should have been there to nurture and help him grow. It made Hope sad and even a little angry to think any parents could take the gift of a child and toss them aside no matter the reason.

Coming alongside Kip, she gives a little smile and lays a soft hand on his arm. He was not alone, his life might have scars, but it could be so much more once he could let them heal. "If it was never planted, then the trauma it would not have faced. But in turn, the beauty that God put into this single creation would never have been shown either. There is a reason for everything. There is a purpose for why things are placed on this earth. To the world, this is just one flower. To this flower, just one person could be its world."

Hope gives another smile as she made the connection of the flower to Kip once again, and Karla. She knew little about her, but from what Kyle had said, she was special to Kip and he had helped her through a lot. "I believe you have a friend who would say the same thing. If she had never met you, where might she be now? Would she be okay? Would she have made it out of that fire? Many questions linger of what might have happened if the people we care about never met us... and though we think maybe it would be better if they never knew who we were, that's just not true."

Hope was confident in that alone. Knowing God had put us there for a reason was what got her through many rough times in her own life. He had a reason, though he did not wish bad things on us, he would turn them around and make good, even if we didn't see it right away.

Hearing the bang come to the front door then Alec's voice follow, Ryan cringes a bit and she sinks down into Tal a little more. Alec was really going to sit there banging and yelling. She didn't know if she was more angry, embarrassed or hurt by it.

Feeling Tal's arms tighten around her, she just sinks in next to him even more. She hoped Alec would get the point and not even bother anymore, but something told her that was the easy way and Alec wasn't known for that.

As Eli gets up to handle Alec at the door, Ryan was thankful. She didn't know how much she could take before she went out there and pummeled him, which would only get her into trouble. Shaking her head, she just lets out a whisper under her breath, calling Alec an idiot. "Let's start the movie. We can fill Eli in after."

Ryan just wanted her mind off the whole Alec thing again, and hearing part of the conversation was already upsetting her even more. Leaning her head onto Tal's chest she was happy he was there with them. At least she had someone to get lost with and knew would hold her knowing she was upset without saying anything.

Bree can't help but laugh at Gunner's comment as she stands and returns the hug to him. She would never tire of his big strong arms wrapped around her. If she could stay like that forever, she would.

"You get rather pale, too, without that sleep. I mean, I don't mind it at all, but the lack of pigment in your skin makes other people look at you funny. Then again...they do that to us anyway."

Giving a shrug, she throws a look and smile back at her uncle as she starts away. Hearing his comment, she gives a shake of her head and a chuckle before turning her face, showing not much emotion at all. "Oh yeah, well, Amanda has holy water in hers just in case you need to change again. Doctor or no doctor, it's still not proper you know."

The only sign that she was joking was the faint twinkle that laid in her eyes. They seemed to dance with humor as the fire reflected off of them. Turning again, she walks with Gunner back to the tents. "My uncle drove me crazy a long time ago..." She grins, looking up at Gunner. She knew he would find humor in her comment.

As JT comes and sits down next to her, Amanda gives a smile. She was starting to think she had done something wrong for him to be avoiding her like a plague. But now having him come closer she felt a little better.

Giving a chuckle and shaking her head at his comment about being kidnapped, she couldn't help but let her eyes dance as she looked into the firelight. Maybe people would be mad, but she wasn't. "It's been a long time since I have actually had a vacation, let alone a vacation with people I like. Being a doctor and saving people's lives I guess...my own just kind of slipped away. I guess I would have to say I am thankful for the kidnapping. It was quite an ingenious way to get us away from work, for sure."

Setting her own empty cup down in the grass next to her, Amanda gives a little shiver. The heat from the fire was warm, but there was still a tiny chill in the air. Or maybe it was her body just trying to get some extra warmth from someone else.

"Bree sure is special, and Gunner - he loves her so much. It's really nice to see that. I think they compliment each other nicely. It just proves there is someone out there for everyone."

Sapphire gives a smile to Scott and she looks at him from across the table. He always knew how to make her smile and make her feel so good about herself, even her flaws. Ever since they had been kids, he had told her not to stop any of the habits she had made or she just wouldn't be her anymore. It really had helped her through some rough times and mean people. "You always have known the right things to say, Scott, to make me feel good and know that my normal is okay."

Smiling again as she takes a sip of her water, she leans back in the booth a little bit, just relaxing. At the mention of Hope, she thinks - she knew little things here and there but she didn't know too much. Though it felt good to hear Scott ask about her. It meant he still cared. Not that for a moment Sapphire thought he didn't.

"Yeah, she is out with a new client right now. It's not related to TJY I don't think, but it's one of the first since she has been back where she has traveled out." Taking another sip of her drink and letting it slide down her throat, she continues to look across the table at her brother before movement at the door catches her attention. She knew Scott's blind side was that way and she didn't want anything to startle him. Older sister protection kicked in. Seeing it was nothing, she looks back to him once more and continues.

"You can tell she was sick. She is still thin, and she gets tired easily, but she just trucks along anyway. You should see her hair though. It's started to grow back in, so she has it in this really cute short hairstyle and it looks so soft."

Cocking her head just a little bit, she wondered what else Scott might like to know. Then it hits her that he might like to know about Domino. "Oh yeah, I am sure Hope will be so happy to see you, too. I know someone else as well who will. Domino probably won't leave your side one she sees you. Hope is taking care of her for you."

Sitting with Justin and his mother, Beth does her best to keep a positive attitude for both of them. She wasn't one for hospitals and she was starting to get the feeling she had stayed in this one too long already, but she kept reminding herself today was not about her. It was about being there for her friends who needed her. That was much more important.

As the hours draw on, and vague information comes and goes, Beth wishes she could stay longer just to be there. But she knew she had work in the morning and if she didn't get at least a little sleep, she would never make it through the day.

Walking down the hallway with Justin, Beth stops when they get to the elevators, not ready to get one just yet. Looking back to Justin, she gives a small smile. She could tell this was hard on him and she felt so bad. "You're very welcome, Justin. That's what friends are for."

Resting her hand on his arm for a moment, Beth gives another smile. She hoped it would encourage him and maybe even bring him a little hope that things would work out. It was a lesson he had once taught her. "If anything happens, don't hesitate to call, okay? I'm here for you no matter the time. Once I get out of work, I can give you a call if I don't hear from you to see how everything is. And maybe this time I'll have some pie with me."

Beth gives a small chuckle at least trying to make Justin smile on the inside if not the outside. It had been a long day for sure, and he and his mom, she knew, it was longer yet. "I'll see you tomorrow...okay?"

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