

Ryan can't help but laugh more as she see the confusion on Eli's face and the humor he really did find in the whole thing in his eyes as well. It was funny, and having the oppertunity to pull one over on Eli didn't come along every day so when it happened it was even better.

"Ah man I wish I had a camera this is priceless really."

As Eli and Tal start to wrestle Ryan can't help but laugh more her eyes twinkling, and a small spark that had been lost for a few days now seemed to flicker again. It was good to see Eli laugh as well, and Ryan just couldn't help that strange sense of peace like she had the other day.

Ryan's train of thought comes to a complete stop at Eli's comment of Tal being her boyfriend. It took it off guard for a moment and she had to think about it. Her jaw hanging open just a little bit. She almost felt speechless but tried to recover quickly not wanting anyone to feel strange.

"Pst, if he was my boyfriend there is no way I'd call him off. This is to funny."

Continuing to watch the two men Ryan laughs continue again as she shakes her head and a few times has to move her own position on where she was standing so she didn't get run over too. Hearing Tal call out Ryan just shakes her head again before feeling a little bad.

"How could I leave a defenseless man calling for help?"

Getting a little running start Ryan comes and jumps right on Eli forgetting Tal was under him but just laying on top of them both her laughter just ringing through the air.

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