
Even Stressed

Locking up the shop for the night Chuck heads over to his motorcycle. Placing his helmet on his head he reaches into his pocket to take out his key. His hand bumps a CD case that was inside and makes him stop for a moment. In the little bit of his spair time he'd used some equipment at his church and recorded some songs onto the cd the soft 70 type of music the stuff he new Susanne liked. But she had been busy all week, or maybe she had been avoiding him. Either way she hadn't told him to leave her alone yet so maybe...just maybe she had been busy.

Pulling out his phone and dialing Susanne's number Chuck waits for her to answer. If she was still at work she should be getting off soon so he new there was a chance to see her. Hearing her voice on the other end Chuck can't help the grin that spreads across his face. Her voice though a little stressed was like a cool breeze to him.

"Why Hello, even when you voice is stressed it sounds like a soft rain that sings its lullaby. I was hoping we could get together. I'm in the area and I'll pick you up. We can grab something to eat."

Katie can't help but laugh at Jason's comment. Though she really didn't real all of his thoughts there was a great deal of things she new more than anyone else.

Like we would ever run out of things to talk about. That's just not possible, even if we know what each other is thinking.

Keeping up the conversation with Jason as they drove did prove to be easy. There was always something new to talk about and Katie never tired.

Finally pulling into the ranch Katie eyes everything as the smile grows a little on her face. They were home, she'd missed it here...and now they were back again. As Jason pulls up to the dinning hall Katie turns a little to smile and look at him for a long moment. She new this was going to be hard for him to tell his mom, but she new he'd was doing the right thing.

"Let me know how everything goes and tell you mom hi for me. Maybe before we leave if we have the time I'll come see her and you sister."

Leaning over Katie places a kiss on Jason lips letting it linger a long moment. She would more than likely not see him tomorrow so a parting gift was a must. Pulling away and giving a smile Katie gets out of the car.

Giving a wave Katie turns and heads inside. Looking around the dinning hall for a moment Katie's eyes land on her aunt. It had felt like it was so long.

Hearing the front door Rosetta looks up to see Katie. Getting a big smile on her face she stand from the table but before she can even say anything a little sequel can be heard from the other room and almost like thunder BJ comes running back everyone.


Hearing BJ's voice and seeing him running twords her Katie bends down and scoops the small boy up in her arms placing a big kiss on his head.

"Hey there little man. Your getting big you know that?"

BJ just laughs at he wrapped his arms around Katie and buried his face into her shoulder.

"I"m guessing he missed you."

Rosetta smiles as she comes closer to her niece and gives her a kiss on the cheek. She was suprised to see Katie but it was a nice surprise non the less.

"It's good to see you again Katie."

Leaning back aganst Alec Ryan just soaks up his affection. There mean had been quiet but nice, and now they were just relaxing and enjoying each other company. Listing to him talk Ryan leans her head back on his chest. She could tell something had been bothing him and now with his comment she could only guess something had happened with his family.

"I still would of drove into the sun set with you."

Turning just a little to look up into Alec's eyes Ryan gives a smile. She never complained about where she lived or her job but deep inside a sunset would of been nice. Getting away from everything and just starting all over again. It would have been nice.

"What happened today that made you wish you had gone?"

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