

Looking up at Kyle and seeing the glint in his eye of sadness. His soul was hurting for there friend and she could see it twisted his gut inside. She had felt the same twist to know someone could be so cruel to there child, or anyone for that matter. How much anger could one person have without God to do that?

"I know with you I will never feel unloved. You don't have a bone in your body that could make someone feel that way but if by some chance it happens I will do as you ask."

Bringing her hand up to the side of Kyle's face. Just running her fingers softly over his skin for a moment and looking deep into his eyes her own love for Kyle reflecting in them. He was an amazing man and he was her. She loved him so much and thanked God every day for giving her a second chance at love.

"You are my everything Kyle, and I love you so much. At time like this is shows me how lucky I really am. Thank you for being you."

Moving as Kip moves Karla keeps her arm around him just trying to comfort him the best she could. With every tear that slipped from his eye it broke Karla's heart even more. Kip had the physical scars that would heal over time but it was the mental ones that would take a little longer.

"I know you did Kip, Its human nature. Your not stupid at all. I probably would have though the same thing if I was in your shoes. You have a good heart Kip that only wanted to believe he changed."

Tightening her arm a little and bringing her sleeve to his eyes to lightly pat the tears that were still falling Karla wished she could wave a magic wand and make all of this go away for Kip. It was one of the worst punishments to deal with ones own mind.

"Your not a screw up Kip and don't let your dad win in making you think that. You do lots of things right, and your good at a lot. As for you never being born I am certainly happy you were or I would of been long gone myself by now. You have helped me so much Kip. So I am happy you were born."

Going into the kitchen and moving around she keeps an ear out in case Justin was to call to her. Hearing him get up and go to the bathroom Beth gets some eggs from the fridge and gets a pan to boil some water to make the poached along with some toast.

Putting them in a bowl and the toast on the side with a little butter Beth comes back into the the living room with the plate. Setting it down on the table and hearing Justin's question at the same time it was like a knife to the heart for Beth. Beth new how it felt and how much it hurts to want your parents but for them not to come.

"Justin, you'er breakfast is ready."

Gently resting her hand on his shoulder to shake him a little from his dream she only wished when he woke he didn't remember the question he'd asked. The only reason she could think of he would ask that is because the thought was weighing heavy on his mind.

"I made you some poached eggs and toast a long with some tea. How are you feeling? Do you need anything else or me to do anything for you?"

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