
Nothing inbetween!

Walking with Kip Karla didn't mind the silence much just letting Kip talk here and there. Even if it didn't make much sense she still just let him talk and get what he needed off his chest. Continuing to walk till they stopped again Karla turns to Kip a little bit giving a small nod of her head. She could see the look, the longing in his eyes.

"Nah, quitting not the answer. They just care about you is all and don't want to see you get hurt. Sometimes its hard for other to stand by and watch someone get hurt over and over again, they really have to see someone changed."

Giving Kip's hand a little squeeze she smiles to him her eyes giving a small twinkle. She new a lot about Kip and his dad. She also new people could change. Maybe he was changing and maybe this was Kip's chance to make up for lost time.

"I think it's great you might get to spend this time with you dad. Just don't let your guard down. I'm behind you thought on going to see him. I really do hope you have a nice time and he is changed."

Giving a little laugh as Danitza nuzzles Justin's hand Beth couldn't help but think she was cute and loved seeing how Justin and the dogs got along. Watching as he got up and took the two dogs outside Beth gives a smile before standing and clearing the table off and placing dishes into the dish washer.

Once done with that Beth makes her way into the living room and opens the bag of movies with a soft rustling noise. She really didn't know what she was in the mood for. Just reaching into the bag and just fishing around Beth pulls out a movie to see what one it was. Seeing it was a scary movie Beth thinks for a moment about putting it back in the bag but stops. Justin would be with her, was there really anything to fear?

Looking up from the couch as Justin comes in again Beth holds up the movie. There was a little bit of hesitance in her eyes but she wanted to do this.

"I got the movie and our pie is here waiting. So I am ready when you are."

Just watching Susanne from across table and feeling her hand slip into him Chuck looks down for a moment. Her skin was so soft against his, it felt so nice a contrast to what he thought his own felt like.

Looking up again and hearing Susanne's words it hit home for Chuck and his eyes showed sympathy. How anyone could not show love and affection twords Susanne was something he didn't understand. She was a very pretty woman, and any man should be lucky to have her.

Shifting a in the booth and sliding in next to Susanne Chuck softly puts an arm around her shoulder and pulls her into a hug. Not a tight one, or to close but a soft friendly one it just seemed like something he had to do.

"Yeah, It can be a hard time to try and open up letting yourself take the risk. But I can assure you, I am not going anywhere unless you ask me too. I am who I am, I have no secrets, and nothing I would hide. I am an open book willing to give answers when asked."

Taking his arm from around her Chuck didn't want to make Susanne uncomfortable by leaving it there for to long. Reaching across the table Chuck grabs his drink and takes a sip before giving Susanne a glace. He wanted to make sure she was ok with him sitting here. If now he'd gladly move back to the other side.

"How about we take things slow since your leery. We don't have to put a title on us right away. Were just friends....till your ready, or till you get to know me better. I won't change anything I do, and I'll keep asking you to lunch and dinner, but there is nothing official not yet anyways. That way you can feel me out, and not have to worry about anything else in between. I'm willing to work with you on this one Susanne, as long as your not telling me to go away forever."

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