

Going to the stove and string the sauce Beth keeps her hands busy moving the meat around in the pan as well so it wont burn. Listing to him as she continued to cook. Giving a little nod about the dogs she felt a little odd not having them there but she'd been around Justin enough now not to be in a panic without the furry friends.

"Poor guys being left out. I'll have to send you home with a doggies bag for them."

Taking a small spoon and taking a taste of the sauce Beth gives another nod before going up to the cupboard and grabbing a few more spices and putting them into the pot. Catching Justin out of the corner of her eye Beth stops for a moment on what she was doing. Taking Justin in for a moment and how he was standing there a sudden moment her heart seemed to skip a beat. That was something that even startled her, she'd never seen Justin in this light before maybe today it was because she felt a little relaxed.

"You have...a little something hanging from your mouth there."

Not being able to help the smile that formed on her lips as a twinkle made its way through her eye. Bringing her attachen quickly back to her pot of sauce so she didn't keep staring and trying her best to push these new strange feelings away.

Hearing that Justin might not go back to brookshire took Beth a little off guard. Had something happened and he was told not to go back? Surely it was not of his own choosing. He never seemed like one to give up like that.

"Oh no, did something happen today?"

Hearing that Alec would watch Gage's apartment was nice. He was right Gage didn't have many friends so many it wasn't a surprise no body came but Sapphire would of thought at least Reese would have.

"Yeah if you could watch his apartment that would be great. Thanks Alec it means a lot and I know it will mean a lot to Gage too."

Trying to give her best smile for at least Alec's sake since he was trying she followed it with a little nod. Alec didn't seem all that bad not anymore anyways. He'd grown a lot since first coming to TJY and Sapphire could only think some of it hate to do with his girl as well.

Bringing her attahcen back to Gage Sapphire takes his hand in her and gives it a small squeeze. She tryed to be there for him the best she could and helped him along in life, but sometimes, somethings just needed to be found out on there own. Sapphire wanted to blame herself for this happening but some where deep inside she new better. now she could only sit and hope Gage would pull though and when he woke up...she'd be there for him again.

Feeling the arms slide around him Dan can instantly tell they are Jade's before she even said anything. The simple smell of her shampoo and the way she touched him said a thousand words and sent a thousand emotions through him.

Putting his hands up and locking his fingers with Jade's as he leans back just a little bit into her. He loved the way he felt around Jade, she made him feel so good, like he had a reason again.

"I think we are cuter than than...but thats just what I think."

Moving just a little so he could look over his shoulder better Dan giving a small kiss to Jade's lips and than to her nose his own eyes twinkling as his hat is tipped back a little. The smile on his lips growing even more.

"Hey there baby. How is my lovely wife to be this afternoon?"

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