
May not be

"Mmm." Justin grins and nods. "Who doesn't like spaghetti? Smells great."

Slipping off his old sneakers, he wanders in behind Beth, noting that though casual, she was dressed quite a bit more nicely than he was. Following her into the kitchen, he leans on the counter, finding a stray piece of spaghetti that had escaped the boiling pot, and he fiddles with his absentmindedly.

"Naw," he replies, "They need baths and it was too much bother to get them together and into the truck tonight." He gives Beth a sidelong glance, wondering if she was bothered by the fact that Danitza and Zora were absent.

The piece of spaghetti snaps between his fingers, and he takes one half and gnaws on it, turning around to lean back against the counter and fold his arms with the uncooked noodle sticking from his mouth as if he were chewing on a blade of grass. Did he realize he was being much more relaxed and himself around her than normal? Maybe.

"I may not be going back to Brookshire," he muses.

Alec stops and turns around as Sapphire speaks to him and he looks at her thoughtfully before giving a little shrug. "Yeah well... from what I understand, he doesn't have too many friends who would show up. I guess that means he's lucky he's got you."

His thumb taps his helmet as he stands awkwardly, not really sure what to say or do now. "I'll um... keep an eye on his place while he's here, if... you want me to." He did feel strange... how did other people do things like this anyway?

"I will definitely accept your help," Jade agrees. Seeing the way Faith and Sparky looked at each other makes her smile all the more.

Saying she would see them both later, she continues her route to the barn, but takes another side trip before heading to the horse stall. Finding Dan near the stack of hay with no one else around, she comes up behind him, reaching up to sling her arms around his waste and kissing the back of his neck. "If we are half as cute as Sparky and Faith, we must both make everyone laugh."

She giggles and stands on her tiptoes to set her chin on his shoulder, bumping the rim of his hat. "Hi, Handsome."

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