
Your Good Like That

Thinking for a moment Destiny gives a tiny nod. She didn't mind dog and if Jason wanted to bring his dog over she wouldn't say no.

"Yeah, thats fine if you have someone bring him here."

Looking down at the food again and taking another bit Destiny new her stomach wouldn't be able to handle anymore food as it bubble and churned. Thinking a moment before looking up at Jason again Destiny just study's him for a moment before saying anything again, when she did speak she wasnt even sure why she asked what she did.

"What happened to Chance?"

Being turned around to go inside, but than back around once again to receive Alec's kiss that was a little bit more his style Ryan's own arms go around him taking in the kiss and returning whole heartedly. Her one hand on his back holding him close to her and the other finding his hair.

As Alec pulls away Ryan's own first had been reignited in her eyes as the grin spread on her lips. Everything was looking alright again, she had her kindred spirit as Leo called it, she had her friend, her brother everything seemed perfect or pretty close to it.

"I'll see you tonight, and will call before hand."

Being turned around for one last time and receiving the wack to her bottom Ryan looks over her shoulder with a laugh before heading back into the shop. The smile on her face a little bigger, and the fire in her eyes bring once again.

Getting to her car Ryan takes a look before turning around slowly to look at the other guys before starting before her eyes fall on Leo.

"You made sure they didn't sabotage my car...right Leo because your good like that? Thanks."

Giving a grin and a nod Ryan goes back to her car moving a little faster than before now having a reason to get done with work.

Seeing Scott continue to laugh makes Dalton feel that much better and gives hope. It was really good to see Scott laugh and the tears in his eyes from doing so. Finally gaining a little control himself Dalton sits back in the chair the smile staying on his face.

"It would have made a good blackmail picture thats for sure. Once you get out of here I'll try and reenact it for ya."

And he would too just for Scott. As Scott asks about TJY Dalton thinks for a moment before finally answering.

"Things are going ok. Kinda lonely still with out you around but I am managing. I don't know how you ever did it a lone. They are all so needed with there computers."

Dalton gives a small chuckle.

"..But I've started showing some of them how to do things so when it break they can try to fix it. A lot of new changes have been happing too. Nate's been out because Laura had her baby, Alec isn't staying at TJY anymore, We got a new guy in there now. I think he's Angelica's cousin and his parents sent him up here for protection from Mexico. Other than that its been pretty same old same old. Oh yeah Susanne told me to tell you hi too."

Dalton tried to fill Scott in on everything he could with out over whelming him to much. It had to be a good thing Scott was asking how things back at TJY were, at least he still cared.

About to hear inside Beth hears her phone ring. Stopping and looking down at the number seeing it was Justin Beth turns and goes back down a few steps away from the building answering the phone.


Hearing Justin's voice on the other end Beth gives a very tiny smile. So thats why she had not seen him this morning he was in a completely different area. Walking down a few more steps Beth takes a seat on one of them out of the way a little bit. Hearing Justin would come over tonight Beth could feel a tiny bit of excitement. Nothing to big but a little rush. It had been a long time since anyone had been to her apartment if ever so having a friend there would be nice.

"Oh yeah, I guess that would help. The address is 367 Cherry Wood Street. I's only twenty minutes from here off of main road exit 5. If you get lost you can just call me. Are there any cretin kinds of movies you like?"

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