

Scott hears just the tail end of Dalton's comment about the chair, and a little grin pulls his mouth. He doesn't respond though, his energy having been completely spent. Exhausted and malnourished, he just didn't have any energy left to give, even if he wanted to stay awake.

It's a few minutes before Justin appears in the door again, seeing that everything was now quiet and Scott was sleeping. There would be no session today - not any day until Scott was back into his own room again. The mental exercises would simply be too much of a strain right now.

Looking to Dalton, Justin gives him a slight nod. "Thank you... Dalton. For coming. You're a good friend."

Later on, after Scott had slept a while and Justin had left, Mary, one of the nurses comes to rouse Scott and see about lunch. It doesn't take her long to return with a hearty luncheon of a sandwich and sides for Dalton, and a simpler lunch for Scott. Now sitting up in bed, he sighs as he looks at the bowl of applesauce and the lightly buttered toast. One might think he was jealous of Dalton's lunch, but he wasn't. He didn't want anything - sandwich or applesauce.

Picking up his plastic spoon, he toys with the sauce, swishing it around in different patterns in the bowl.

Without warning, Mary appears in the doorway again, throwing him a glance. "It belongs in your mouth, Scott. Don't make me come feed you like a baby."

Scott throws her a smirk. "Yes, Mary."

"I mean it."

Scott turns his spoon around and threatens to catapult it in her direction.

Mary shakes her head. "I'll be back in half an hour to see if you've eaten anything. And don't think spreading it around will fool me."

Scott smirks as she leaves, then returns to playing with the applesauce. Giving up, he tears a tiny piece of his toast off with his fingers and nibbles at it without much enthusiasm. "They're calling it an eating disorder," he comments dryly to Dalton. "Someone should try cramming food down their throats so they can see what it feels like. Then let's see if they like applesauce and toast."

Frustrated, his hand comes down hard on the tray, accidentally hitting the spoon handle. A spoonful of applesauce is launched skyward, flying through the air as a sloppy projectile before it splatters against the far wall, pieces dripping down onto the floor.

Scott's eyes widen. He'd been mad, but not that mad. Mary would kill him. "Oops."

Justin greets his enthusiastic dogs as they bark and whine, wanting his attention as he arrives home. Letting them loose from their chains, he heads inside his house to do some housework, make some calls, probably grab a bite to eat, then eventually head back out to Beth's. It would take him an hour to get there, so he would have to leave by four and... probably not get everything done beforehand. But, he said he'd go, so he would.

The day progresses as Justin thought, and though he'd had to postpone a few tasks, most were done by the time he had to leave. At least he'd gotten the dogs brushed so they were halfway decent. Ambling to his truck, he calls them and they come running, knowing that they were going to get a ride. All three pile into the pickup and Justin starts the engine, looking at his palm where most of the ink had smeared but he could still recall what he'd written there earlier.

Able to find his way with little trouble, Justin manages to get to Beth's apartment only five minutes late. Acceptable, he figures.

Dressed in his sneakers, black jeans an olive green t-shirt, he gets out of his pickup and make sure both the dogs have their leashes on before approaching the front door. Ringing the bell, he waits, quietly informing his "girls" to be on their best behavior and making them sit beside him.

"Waiting for someone?" Bret had come up behind Charlotte and was grinning by the time she turned around.

Crouching a little to see Nicholas' eyes, his grin widens. "Are you ready to come home, little man?" No response, but he nods anyway. "That's what I thought. So am I. And I think..." He straightens and looks to Charlotte, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "...Mommy's ready too."

Reaching for the bag, he relieves her of it. "Here, let me take that. I'll let you bring our precious cargo and I promise not to speed on the way home." He gives Charlotte a sidelong glance. "That's for later when he's old enough to enjoy it."

Ryder turns the last few pages of the boring magazine, then tosses it aside, missing the table and watching as it falls to the floor. He didn't care. Sighing with disgust, he lies back into his pillows and stares at his leg that was propped up and bandaged. Apparently it wasn't cooperating with JT's wishes. It still wasn't healing correctly, and after two more surgeries, JT hoped now that it would start to show improvement. Unfortunately, because of the extended procedures, Ryder's stay had been prolonged, and he'd been told that his recovery time would be doubled. Once JT was convinced that it was healing well, Ryder would still have to stay off that leg for at least a month, and only after the doctor's approval would he then be allowed to walk on it again.

A sidelong glance proves that Thirteen was still with him. She'd been a little trooper, but now what were they supposed to do? He was supposed to take care of her, not the other way around. Four weeks bumbling around on one foot was going to be murder. Not to mention, he was already bored out of his mind and wanted to get back to work so badly he could taste it.

Jason watches Destiny leave to go to her room and he sighs. There just wasn't anything else he could do. Period.

Finishing his breakfast, he takes his time cleaning up and putting away the dishes. Wandering to the living room, he checks on the cameras, fiddles on the computer for a short while, but then fell into boredom. Or perhaps more not knowing what to do than actually being bored.

Eventually though, he finds his way to his guitar, that he was no glad he'd brought. Settling down on the living room floor with the wall as his backrest, he strums around for a little while, playing nothing in particular. Soon a melody does come to mind though and a consistent tune is played.

His fingers slowly strum his acoustic guitar, the gentle notes flowing through the house. His fingertips expertly pick out a soft melody, even with his eyes closed. Humming for a few minutes, he eventually starts to sing... quietly... softly.

"Twenty minutes felt like forever,
In your arms.
I wanted it to last a lifetime,
But now you’re gone.
All I have are these feelings inside.
All I have are the memories of you.

I see you.
When I look inside my heart.
I see you.
When no one thinks I’m looking for you.
All I have to do,
Is close my eyes.

Thirty minutes felt like forever,
Holding you.
I wanted to be yours for always,
But now it’s all gone.
All I have is a heart in scattered pieces.
All I have are the memories of you.

I see you.
When I look inside my heart.
I see you.
When no one thinks I’m looking for you.
All I have to do,
Is close my eyes.

I can take my heart to places,
I could only dream.
So if I choose to see you once more,
Nothing’s gonna stop me.
‘Cause all I have to do…
Is close my eyes.

I see you.
When I look inside my heart.
I see you.
When no one thinks I’m looking for you.
All I have to do,
Is close my eyes.

Mmmm... close my eyes.
Yeah, all I have to do.
Close my eyes."

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