
Wrong too

Dalton gives a nod to Reese once Jason and if and he gives his thanks. He new about Destiny and Chance but he had no idea where they were staying. If this address was right than Destiny was in danger weather Chance was Agency or not, he was a dangerous man.

"Not a problem Reese, Alec found the open link for me and I just when from there. He had as much to do with it as me."

Dalton gives a little nod satisfied to have throw Alec's name in there. If it could help Alec even a little bit that would be good. Though it was odd, Dalton liked Alec and could see something good inside of him.

"Alright, I am going to go check the address again, I know I am right and there is no mistake but Just to make sure I'll run through it one more time. Let me know if you need me for anything else Reese."

Dalton new Reese didn't want to think it was one of there own men, least of all someone who was meant to be protected. So even though Dalton new the address was right he'd check again and recheck. Also making sure there were no other links to who could of found that address. Somewhere...he'd hope he was wrong too.

Looking up as Jason draws close Katie new there was some kind of disturbance that caused Jason's emotions to go slightly haywire but as to what it was she didn't know. Hearing that had a job to do Katie didn't have to be asked again, and from the look on Jason's face she new it was important.

"I think I saw Gunner over in the supply closet. Whats up J?"

Making sure she had her own items with her as she walks her badge was in her pocket and her gun in its holster she was ready. She didn't know what was going on so to have all bases covered was important.

Slightly confused, and being able to tell that Chance was lieing and something was wrong Destiny shifts a little to face him more. Did something happen? Did he not want her to worry about something? What was it that caused him to tell a lie that nothing was wrong? Watching him intently Destiny tried to figure it out until finally he answered her again.

Hearing he had a bad feeling Destiny trys to relax just a little bit. If thats all it was, than it was better to just leave than risk it but still she felt like there was something more he wasn't saying, but what?

""Oh, well thats understandable I trust your judgment, your the one protecting me after all."

Sifting a little in the seat again so she was facing forward once more Destiny gives a nod and a smile trying to let the lingering feeling in her gut pass. She didn't do that often but she did have to trust Chance. She'd been with him for a while now and she had to let go of the odd feeling.

"I think picking up a treat sounds like a good plan. The movie too. And as long as its you I am snuggling on the couch with I think that sounds even better."

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