
Good work

"Nothing." Nothing was wrong. Chance was lying through his teeth and he knew that this time Destiny would be able to tell with no problem. But he offers nothing more anyway.

Stopping at a red light before the main road, his thumb taps the steering wheel. Destiny needed a real answer. She needed an answer that made sense. She needed whatever it took to fix the horrible mess that Chance had just created. In that one moment of hesitation, he'd made a decision that would cost him.

"I got a bad feeling a soon as we were there," he finally replies, his body language relaxing. "I'm sorry. I've just learned that when I bristle, I better pay attention to it. It mighta been fine in there, but maybe not, and you know I wouldn't want to risk your safety."

The light turns green and he pulls out into traffic, heading back towards the safe house. "Didn't mean to ruin the afternoon," he apologizes. "How about we pick up a treat on the way back and just watch a movie instead? Together... on the couch..." He gives her a quick grin, hoping that she would move on from this predicament and forget how strange it was.

Jason stands at Reese's desk as they discuss a case. "Yeah, that sounds okay. I was thinking maybe-"

Interrupted by Dalton bursting into the office, Reese jumps, his face going from bewildered to annoyed. It was not like Dalton to enter without knocking. Reese opens his mouth to reprimand, but can't even get that far as Dalton starts to explain.

Reese's eyes widen with interest. Standing, he takes the paper from Dalton and scans it - most of it making absolutely no sense to him. But when Dalton rattles off the address, Reese's head shoots back up, stunned. "What?"

By now, Jason was forgetting his own conversation, more interested in this one. He blinks. He was one of the few that would know that address, too. "That's the safe house."

Reese's face pales slightly as his mind reels. "Gambler..."

Jason's emotions give a lurch - something like a mixture of anger and fear. "The hacker is Chance."

Reese shakes his head. "There's no way... I mean..." He looks to Dalton. "Could it just look like it was from this location? Could someone have rerouted it?"

Jason steps closer, his face tight. "Who else would know that address, Reese? Think about it."

Reese looks at his paper again, then up at Jason. "You think Chance is Agency?"

"There's only one way to find out." Jason was more than ready to go. He had no doubt in his mind that what Dalton was saying was true and that it was Chance. He'd had a bad feeling about that guy in the first place.

"Perhaps we should call Toby and-"

"And wait for something to happen to Destiny? As far as we know, she's okay, but if Chance is Agency, then her life is in danger. We can't wait."

Reese debates for a moment, then nods. "Alright. Go get him. But Jason - take Katie with you. And..." He thinks. Pete was out, Con was out, Nate was at the hospital with Laura... "Take Gunner. If there's trouble, I don't want you there alone." He knew perfectly well that Jason could handle himself. What he was more worried about was Jason becoming too upset and taking things too far.

Jason nods. "Got it." Spinning on his heel, he stalks from Reese's office, making a beeline for Katie's cubicle. He was too on edge to try communicating with her right now. It would just be a garbled mess if he tried.

Skidding to a stop at her desk, he nods to the exit. "We got a job to do. Now. I'll explain on the way. We need Gunner too. Come on."

Back in Reese's office, he sighs deeply and turns back to Dalton. "Thank you... for your hard work on this. I hope we're wrong about Chance, but you did good work here."

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