
My own bed...

Sitting there still and taking a sip of her tea Cassy gives a slight jump as Leo gets up with out warning. It causes her to get up from the table as well, and seeing Leo go to the door she only became more confused. His behavior was odd and she didnt understand it. Hearing his reason though that he was falling for her Cassy could feel her heart beat faster. She new it already but to have him admit it, that was a step forward right?

"Leo its nothing to be...scaird...of..."

Cassy's voice train off though as Leo pushed off the doorway and made his way to the front door this Cassy close behind him. If she hadnt known Leo she would of thought him a mad man. Following him once more Cassy was quiet till he was done apologizing.

"I don't know why on earth your saying sorry Leo, other than beating up my poor door frame."

Drawing a little closer to him Cassy lets out a sigh for a moment thinking before saying anything. It was an up and down roller coaster with Leo and Cassy didn't know how long she could keep doing this.

"Leo, I like you a lot, and if we could be more than friends that would be great. I'm not like Ryan, I don't cheat on people, or throw them away like a used up peace of cloth. I can't say I'd never hurt you because than I would be lieing, because getting hurt is part of growing, but getting past that hurt with someone you can about is what is important. What I can promise though is I'll be your still something happens, I'll be kind to you and take care of you. I'll laugh when you laugh, cry when you cry and set you straight when you walk out of line. I'm only me, and no one else."

Cassy leans against the window next to Leo turning her head a little to look at him. She didn't know what was gonna happen, or how Leo was going to take her words but she had to know. It had been long enough now and she thought they had grown close as friends she couldn't second guess everything anymore.

"I need to know Leo before you leave though if we are going to stay friends and only friends, and your going to be miserable and if I should move on. Or if we are gonna try this whole thing out and be happy again. I can't hold onto a hope that might not be there Leo, I like you a lot, maybe more than I should and thats why I need to know today what to do."

Stopping in the doorway and giving her brother a nod, she than shakes her head a little too. He shouldn't be saying sorry for anything, it wasn't his fault.

"I made my own bed Eli, now I gotta lay in it. Maybe I deserve this for the designations I made."

Letting a small sigh out Ryan leans against the door frame for a moment. Maybe it was getting to be that time of the month and thats why she was so emotional, or maybe it was because in a few days it would mark there dad's death. She never did take that day well even if she never said anything about it.

"You ever wonder if Dad's looking down from heaven at us with Mom by his side and wonder if they are proud of us and what our life has become? Some days I wonder it more than others. Some days I miss him more than others too. But thats why I love having your around Eli...you look just like him, and you smell like him too. Your my best friend and I always know you got my back no matter what just like Dad would of wanted it. You defiantly make him proud. I was always the little rebel, even when I was small. I love having you here even if I don't show it."

Pushing off of the door frame Ryan gives it a soft whack with her hand as a little tear rolled down her face. She hated feeling like this, and it wasn't often she did. Maybe after yesterday she was scared Eli though she didn't want him around and maybe it was just everything mixed together at once. And maybe it was just her own way of saying sorry.

Feeling Pete run his fingers through her hair Nikki closes her eyes for a moment just enjoying the feel. A soft content sigh coming from her lips to show she did indeed like it. Reaching over her head Nikki finds Pete's other hand and for a moment she just holds it before running her fingers up and down his arm in a soothing manor before opening her eyes again to look up at him.

"I think your touch has become softer than it use to be..."

Nikki gives another smile cocking her head a little and blinking her eyes delicately. Looking up into Pete's eyes again she felt like no matter how many times she looked into them she always found something new to get lost in, and they just seemed to go on forever.

"...defiantly like it though."

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