

Pete laughs and shakes his head. "I forgot all about my sandwich. I'll just eat it cold, thanks."

Going and getting it, he returns and this time sits down on the couch. Eating and chatting a little while watching the movie, it feels like old times. A few times as they laugh at the movie, he almost feels like a kid again. It seemed too long since he'd just broken out and had fun like this. Sometimes being on the job with the Elite tended to put a damper on things.

Eventually, Pete claims one corner of the couch, tucking his feet up behind him and leaning an elbow on the armrest. With the movie three quarters over, he almost wished it would last a little longer.

Justin smiles and nods to Beth. If she was that thankful that he would come over and be with her to face her memories, then he'd made the right choice.

They continue to fish for a while longer, each catching a few more. Tonight, Justin didn't keep any either. He had plenty of food in the house and didn't want to keep them and just have them spoil. Only once does he have to call the dogs back after they'd gone racing through the brush after a rabbit.

As the afternoon wears on though, he knows Beth needs to go. He would stay a little longer though. He didn't say so, but the pond water was waiting for him and he planned on taking a dip before heading home himself.

Leo stares himself in the mirror, taking note of every bruise, cut and swelling. he was lucky he hadn't received a broken nose, but they base of his nose and around his eyes were black and blue enough that it looked like he could have. His lower lip was obviously split, bit it had dried enough that it wasn't bleeding anymore. Overall, he looked like he'd been run over by a herd of horses. Alec had a fist like iron.

Sighing, Leo finishes drying his hair with a towel but doesn't bother combing or gelling. It was just an old white t-shirt and his light blue, paint-spattered jeans today... maybe it matched his depressed state.

Lst night after things had cooled down, Eli had distributed the ice. Leo and Alec had somehow come to a truce... maybe because both finally realized that their fighting was useless. Leo agreed to stop harassing, and Alec had agreed to quit being so possessive. Both were a bit sheepish, especially when Eli reminded them that Ryan had obviously had enough. Maybe Alec had also seen more stamina and strength in Leo than he though he had. And maybe Leo had seen that Alec really was determined to hang on to Ryan as his own. In the end, perhaps some mutual respect had been formed. And perhaps there was even some home for a possible future friendship.

Leo wanders into the living room where he finds his socks and shoes. He'd snubbed a good friend this weekend - all for a drunken night at the bar and a desert brawl. This morning he was miserable and had called in sick to work - but what continued to nag at his gut was his lack of respect for Cassy. He didn't want her to see him like this today but... maybe it was time he admitted why he'd been doing all these stupid things.

Hesitating again, he finally gets up. It was early enough yet that he would probably catch Cassy at home still.

...Getting to Cassy's apartment door, Leo rings the doorbell. But his eyes stay on the ground. He wasn't so sure he'd be able to look her in the eye. He runs his tongue over his sore lip and swallows hard, waiting.

Eli eases down at the kitchen table after making coffee and pouring himself a cup. He'd only slept a few hours, but he had work today and knew if he didn't get up now, he'd have a harder time later.

He hadn't seen his sister yet, and part of him wondered if she was okay. he wasn't used to her being upset with him, but her look last night proved that she wasn't too amused, to say the least. He didn't know now exactly what to do, so he'd decided just to wait and if she wanted to talk, she would... he hoped she would... right? If she knew Alec and Leo had come to an understanding, would she feel differently?

Alec tosses and turns on the cot, having been uncomfortable all night. Ever since Eli found him a ride back here last night, he'd wrestled with some pretty unsettling feelings. For one, it was weird having a truce with Leo. He couldn't really explain it, other than they had reached mutual respect for each other. Alec was used to winning though, so being satisfied with a truce felt strange. And then there was being yelled at by Ryan. Any other time, if a woman dared chew him out, he would have left her so fast her head would have spun. But this time, he was angry and still wanted Ryan at the same time. It was confusing to say the least.

Grabbing his phone, he starts a text message to Ryan for a second time. And again, he stops and sets the phone down again. Before he can do anything else, a shadow forms in the doorway and he looks up to meet Reese's stare... and Con's too. "Good morning guys. What's up?"

"Alec, what happened to you?" Reese asks sternly.

Alec lifts an eyebrow, knowing he looked like crap. "I got hit. What of it?"

"Who did you fight with?"

Alec bites his tongue. He didn't want to cause trouble for anyone at the races, lest he get jumped for involving the law. "I can't say."

Reese nods to Con, who moves forward with a device in his hand. "Then I'm sorry, but you are officially in confinement until it's proven that you've been involved with these recent killings."

Too shocked to even react, Alec doesn't move as Con adorns his ankle with a bracelet tracking device. Staring up at Reese, he blinks. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

But Reese did. Last night there had been another killing of someone loosely connected to the Agency, that the Elite had been closing in on.The state in which the body was, made it obvious that there had been quite a fight before he'd been stabbed. "You'll be hearing more from me," Reese responds coolly. "For now, I advise not leaving unless you want to be put in jail."

Con rises slowly and follows Reese back out of the room and upstairs.

Chance shuts the passenger side door of the SUV and takes Destiny's arm, giving her an encouraging look. It was a peaceful day and the cemetery was quiet. But there was still sadness that lingered here. The two new grave sites were just a short walk away, and though Chance was keeping his eye out for the Agency, there was more that his mind was on now.

"You okay?"

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