
Morning dawns bright and... too bright

Bret grins as Angelica joins him and Charlotte, not minding that she was there too. Her words make his eyes twinkle. "I'm glad you think so," he teases. It wasn't all that long ago that she wouldn't have trusted him as far as she could throw him. But it was funny how things could change.

He gives Charlotte's hand a little squeeze, looking into her eyes again. "How you gonna keep me and a kid out of trouble, hmm?"

Grinning as Ryan flops down on the couch, Alec returns her kiss. "Mmm... of course I missed you." Shifting on the couch, he stretches out, lying Ryan on her back and leaning half on her and half on the rest of the cushions. With his arm tucked around her, he kisses her again before resting his head against hers. "I have no idea what's happening in the movie," he admits. "I think we're gonna have to start over."

A sly smile comes to his lips. "Or... we could start over here." He kisses her neck lightly. "Or here." He moves his lips up to her cheek. "Or here..." Kissing her lips again, he lets it linger before pulling away as the sound of a motorcycle revs outside and he laughs. "Or we can just finish the movie so I don't die..."

...Sun filtered through the living room window, making Alec squint before closing his eyes again and rolling a little to the side, his arm slipping back down around Ryan. He nuzzles his face into the back of her neck and gives it a kiss, letting his head sink into the pillow again. He knew she'd have to get up and go to work and he'd have to get to TJY too. But he'd stay here as long as he could. Last night he'd fallen asleep before the movie had even finished, and like other times, he'd been allowed to stay on the couch with Ryan.

"No, I should um... I should be okay now." Scott hoped it were true. He didn't want to have another nightmare and he knew that it was going to take him a while for him to get to sleep again at all. But he would try.

"Thanks... Sapphire. For um..." He pauses. "...for answering the phone. I'll... see you tomorrow."

Finishing the call, Scott hangs up and sinks down into his pillow, pulling his blanket up close. It offered little comfort, but any was better than none. He'd been assured his sister was okay and that's all he'd really wanted to know. His eyes drift shut, and he rolls over, a constant prayer on his mind that the nightmare would not come back...

...Scott sits on the floor of his room. For some reason, he found more comfort on the floor than in his chair or bed. The morning light streamed in behind him through the window and he rests his chin on his knees as they were pulled up to his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs. He was in baggy jeans and a t-shirt today, his feet still bare after a shower. Breakfast lay cold on his nightstand where Jenny had set it for him. He'd drank half the orange juice but that's all he'd wanted. He wasn't sure what time it was, or what time Sapphire would come, but it really didn't matter... he would sit here all day anyway.

Leo cracks open one eye, then the other. Everything looked a bit blurry this morning. Where was he, anyway? He wasn't in his bedroom... Starting to sit up, he groans and lies back down as his head spun. It felt like someone had a jackhammer on his brain, the pain pounding his skull. That was a good enough reminder of where he'd been last night.

Managing to open his eyes again, he sees he's in his living room instead of the bedroom. How had he ended up there? He had a vague recollection of Eli... had Eli brought him back from the bar? Leo wasn't even sure.

Fumbling for the phone, he manages to dial the right number, but cringes as someone answers. They didn't have to shout. Calling in sick to the shop, he hangs up again. He felt royally miserable - there was no way he was going to work like this.

Eventually, he finally pries himself from the couch and staggers down the hall, dizzy and his head still throbbing. Getting up and moving though upsets his stomach and he's glad he's already made it to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he's back on the couch again, not even changed out of his clothes. He'd tried - enough trying. He'd just lie here in a miserable heap until this passed or he passed out again, one or the other. He could only hope that Cassy wouldn't get the bright idea to see what he was up to today being on the inside start of the weekend. He wasn't sure if he could face her or not.

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