

Just giving a little smile to her brother as he gets out Ryan gives a nod. She understood why he might not want a beer now and couldn't blame him.

"Ok, I'll see you at home."

Pulling away from the curb and heading for home Ryan lets out a long sigh. She new it wasn't her fault Leo was keeping himself down but she still felt a little bad about it. She though for sure Leo would bounce back quicker than he was. There was nothing she could do though other than continue to hope he wouldn't give up.

Finish the drive home after putting some music on her keep her mind busy it dosnt take Ryan long. Looking forward to just getting back into the house and snuggle on the couch with Alec again. He had been a long day filled with its up and downs. Finishing her movie and her quiet time with Alec was something she was looking forward too.

Getting inside and taking she shoes off Ryan wonders into the living room knowing Eli would be in shortly having putting his bike away.

"Hunny...I'm home."

Leaning back and flopping over Alec's lap Ryan looks up at him with a large smile. Leaning up a little bit to put a small kiss on his lips.

"Miss me?"

Hearing Scott say it was ok she came to see him again made Sapphire feel good. This was another step maybe and it did feel good inside. Not to mention Scott being able to make the desition himself was good too.

"Yeah I have no problem with coming in the morning. I'll just call and let Reese know and I will just work a little later."

She really didn't mind doing that at all. Tomorrow nothing important was going on so it wouldn't be interrupting anything and even if it had Sapphire would of put it off till a little later to be able to see her brother because it was important.

"Are you going to be ok to go back to bed or would you like to chat a little more? I don't mind ether way."

Getting to the hospital in a good amount of time Angelica had called who she needed too along with Reese on the way to let him know she might be late to work tomorrow, or not even in depending on what happened.

Once inside her own heart raced with excitement for her sister and Bret. Behind directed where to go, and getting sanitized clothing on Angelica is show to the room where Bret and Charlotte were. Entering she gives a big smile to both of them.

"Madre said she wished you both the best and Abuela is looking down on you both smiling as she great grandchild is brought into this world."

Coming over to the side of the bed Angelica gives a nod to Bret as she takes Charlotte's other hand in her own. Looking down at her sister an seeing the glow it braught such a warmth to her heart.

"I am so proud of both of you. Your going to make great parents!"

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