
Good Stuff

Taking the ride with Pete it was a little more careless than Trey would of expected. Thought Trey didn't mind at all it how his friends drove all the time. Getting to the restrant and seeing the woman himself Trey sits up in the seat a little bit and watches her himself cocking his head. Turning his head just a little to look at Pete a grin pass his lips before he jumps out of the car.

Following Pete inside and sliding into the booth across from him Trey reaches for a menu and looks over it. He really wasn't in the mood for breakfast and he didn't know what was good here, but seeing the Philly cheese steak he new not many people could mess that one up.

Setting the menu down he looks across the table at Pete before around the little restrant. Taking in the faces, and the people noting more pretty women around the room and than looking back to Pete again.

"Well I have to hand one thing to this country they sure do have a lot of pretty lady's, not that Mexico doesn't but they are few and far between there."

Taking a sip of the drink that was brought Trey gives a little chuckle before leaning back in the booth and stretching.

"I suppose they don't let you smoke in here do they? And I don't suppose you really wanna walk outside with me again after we just sat down?"

Following Justin to his house it wasn't to hard. The roads were pretty straght forward with not many cars on them to get in the way. Justin was right though it was very pretty here with lots to look at.

Coming to the house and parking Beth gets out of her car leaving her doors unlocked knowing it would be alright all the way out here. Following Justin into the house Beth looks around. It wasn't a bad little house just needed a little work.

"It's not that dirty, I've seen worse."

Wondering with Justin into the kitchen Beth keeps her arms wrapped around herself. Her eyes wondering taking in everything and trying to keep her nerves calmed. It had been a long time since she was in someone else house.

"Mmm...I'll have some water please and thank you."

Wondering over to on of the walls in the kitchen that had pictures hanging on it Beth's eyes scan them. Most of them looked like family pictures and pictures of his dogs as puppys. The smiling faces and laughter looked back at her. Justin's family looked nice, and his mom looked like she would be a great person to get along with. Beth wondered what it would be like to still have a family.

Continuing to watch Alec Dalton was so diligent in taking in what he was doing so if he ever needed to get in again maybe he could use some of the tricks. He always did like learning new things and thats why he liked having Scott around. Not only was he his good friend but he challenged his mind with new things.

"No if the Agency's walls were weaker there would be no fun in cracking them open. However I have been working on making our own defenses stronger it just takes a little time."

Dalton can feel his own excitement rise inside him as the moment tick on though he really didn't let it show unless someone looked close enough to see it in his eyes. But working with Alec was different that what he thought it might be.

"I think part of the files you got there is the stuff that girl brought in the one who's parents were killed. Maybe thats why the Agency is after here to now. She sure did bring us a bunch of good stuff though thats for sure."

Thirteen gives a nod knowing he did hate it here, and seeing a tiny bit of worry in his eyes. It was easy to pick out today because it was something that not often was there.

"I know, I would too. Its no fun being cooped up when you don't want to be. But the Dr is just taking to help."

Keeping Ryder's hand in her own Thirteen leans down and gives him a kiss on the for head before just leaning her own against his.

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