
Aussie and Stubborn

Trey looks at the door, than Pete, than the car, back to the door, Pete and the car again before looking back to Pete. It was easy to see he really was contemplating weather he should go or stay, but when it came down to it, he didn't want to stay here so getting out even for a little while sounded good. Not to mention going against what Reese was forcing him to do was even better.

"I say Why the heck not, any excuse to get outta here is a good one. Lets blow this place."

Not waiting for Pete to change his mind Trey had turned around already and was heading to his car. Sticking his pack of smokes in his pocket. Getting to the car and finding the door's lock he waits for Pete.

Finished with her visit for the day it was a little longer than planned but it felt good. Some people might feel sorry for Beth that she came to see her sister everyday but it was the only family she had left, and she loved Sarah so much that it didn't bother her. She never had to come, but she wanted too. Maybe it was something that in a way...did make her happy.

Exiting the building and see Justin go to his car Beth's head pumps a little. Had he been waiting long and now thought she wasn't going to come? Skipping a few steps Beth walks a little faster down the side walk to get to his truck as he is opening the door. Continuing to just stand on the side walk she waits and than speaks.

"Sorry it took me longer than expected. You wernt waiting long were you?"

Beth gives a small little smile as she folds her hands in front of her. It was nice talking to Justin, and she enjoyed it. Still the thought of going to his place made her a little worried but maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Looking to Alec and than the computer that Scott always had used Dalton gives a little nod of his head. He didn't mind if anyone used it.

"Yeah sure thing. Once you get as far as you can, I can try to work my own magic on it."

Looking at Alec for a long moment and searching his face Dalton's lips turn up into a small smile for a moment before he turns and looks back to the computer screen again to watch what Alec was doing.

"Have to admit this is the best part of the job."

Standing quietly in the room Thirteen just watch's JT, and Ryder. It was like this most days when the Dr came to see him. Ryder wanted out and grew more and more irritated that he couldnt be let go. In a way Thirteen felt bad for him.

As JT leaves the room Thirteen gives a nod to him about talking with him. Walking back over to the bed she takes his hand in hers and gives it a little squeeze. She understood he wanted to get out, she'd felt like that for so many years for the longest time, but he was here for a good reason.

"Hey...If you let him fix your leg again he'd probably let you out sooner than if you don't."

Thirteen wanted to tell Ryder how important it was to get his leg fixed but was now really a good time? He was already irritated and maybe she wouldn't help matters at all! She hated seeing Ryder upset, and in pain, she wished she could do more for him even though she couldn't. Maybe if he refused to get his leg fixed again she could talk to Carson. They both were Aussie and stubborn maybe he could get through to him.

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