
Far away

Chance grimaces, feeling stupid and irritated for cutting himself. He doesn't have much choice but to let Destiny help though, so he does, wincing a little as she applies the disinfectant but not complaining.

Once she's finished, he sighs and nods, oddly not finding humor in her comment about being one-handed. "Yeah. Thanks. I guess I need to watch the lettuce and stop daydreaming."

Turning back to the counter, he rinses off the knife and starts again, being more careful this time, even if he couldn't concentrate completely. After everything for lunch is ready, he moves the food to the living room where they could sit comfortably on the couch. Setting down the plates, he eases back on the couch, having Destiny sit next to him. He doesn't move to eat right away though... he wasn't as hungry as he had been just a while earlier and his eyes proved his mind was very far away.

Alec smiles at Ryan, his eyes just remaining on hers, searching, searching, reaching for their depths but finding them too deep to touch bottom.

Moving back out of the water and onto dry sand, Alec lies on his back, not caring that the sand would be sticking to them now after being wet from the lake. Tugging Ryan down with him, he lets her settle in at his side, resting her head against his chest where he could gently pull out her hair band so he could run his fingers through her hair.

Closing his eyes, he can feel Ryan's breath on his skin, his ears picking up the sound of the water, birds and people's chatter from far away. The sun shone down warm, a light breeze sending cool air to caress and dry.

"Thank you, Ryan," he mentions quietly, kissing the top of her head before lying still again. There was so much she'd done for him... so much words could not ever express.

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