
Anything but easy

Taking a bit of her own sandwich Destiny felt bad that Chance was upset but there was nothing she could do to change it. So just scooting a little closet to Chance Destiny gives him a smile letting him know it was ok, though she could tell something was different and it worried her.

"Mmm...a movie would be good. Maybe something funny to lighten our mood."

Leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment Destiny goes for her tea taking a sip. She couldn't make Chance feel any different so she could only hope in a few days he would feel better.

"The sandwiches are good. Thank you for making them Dear."

Feeling Alec move and shake her a little Ryan slowly opens her eyes. Moving slightly she could feel the throbbing on her back and her neck. It felt like someone was poking her over and over again till it was finally getting sore.

Giving a moan as she sat up Ryan puts her head into her hands for a moment. She must have been so comfortable that she had fallen asleep without even being tired.

"Oh man...this is defiantly going to leave a mark."

Turning her head a little bit to look at Alec to make sure he was indeed ok himself Ryan stops as her eyes end up going down to his chest where it was not as quite red. Letting her eyes go slightly wide before squinting a little and a smile forms on her lips.


Not being able to help it a small chuckle comes from her lips before it becomes a little more louder.

"You...have...a...hand print....ahhh...right on your chest. Touched by an Alien where you?"

Still not being able to help it and finding the whole thing slightly funny the laughing became every more as her eyes teared a little bit. She couldn't help it and if it had been her she would be laughing at her own self too.

Standing in the area where Trey would be coming out Angelica looks over to Reese with a smile. For a moment she stops and thinks about his question. She never really met Trey before, nor had she even asked herself if he spoke any English.

"My Aunt and Uncle speak fluent English themselves because that have to with there business deals and what not but they also speak Spanish. I would assume Trey knows English to but I never asked so I'm not a hundred percent sure. Than again on top of that if he really wanted to be a pain he could just speak Spanish anyways, I guess...at least I would understand him but it would just be another added headache."

Great why hadn't she thought about asking that. It seemed like a question now she would of thought to ask but she had been so flustered that her mind had completely shut down. Now she could feel herself nerves heighten even a little bit more. But breathing slowly she does her best to stay clam.

"Well...at least I know Spanish to so we aren't totally in the woods on that."

Continuing to sit and wait the time slowly goes by. Sitting and chatting with Reese had been nice, and it gave Angelica something to do while they waited so she wasn't alone. Finally though the anouncment for the plan is heard and Angelica stands from where they had been sitting. She had a general idea what her young cousin looked like but only a rough idea.

"Ok, he's tall about 6'7, athletic, sandy hair, brown eyes, and probley looks nothing like me since he is adopted."

Angelica gives a nervous laugh. Why she seemed so edge about this she had no idea. She'd faced danger, defended people against who who were dangerous, and worked where some of the hardest, roughest people were bough day by day and yes this...she was nervous over.

Seeing someone who fit the discription she was given walking there way she could feel her heart start to pound even harder in her chest as she gave Reese hand and extra squeeze before letting it go. Taking note quickly to the look in his eye she could already tell he was non to happy to be here and this was going to be a challange. Walking over to the one who was though to fit the description Angelica wore a warm smile on her face.

"You must be my cousin Trey?! It's nice to have you here."

The younger man wore a look on his face that was non to happy to be there. Looking at Angelica and than Reese several times before replying. A smirk makes forms on his lips before replying.

"¡Adivino que tengo no escoge pero para ser!"

Looking to Reese Angelica gives a little sigh maybe it wasn't going to be so easy after all.

"Would you mind talking in English please so everyone can understand you?"

Shifting his weaght a little and letting out a long sigh along with a roll of his eyes Trey reply again.

"I said, I guess I have to be if I expect my parents to pay for everything while I am here. Though I am anything butt happy to be shipped to the states. Are we going to stand here are day or get my bags and so to my new place to reside?"

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