
Sandwiches again

Chewing his chicken salad sandwich slowly, Justin looks up, squinting in the sun a little as Beth approaches and joins him on the bench. The corners of his mouth turn up in a grin... just a little one.

"Yeah... probably." He was supposed to be off work much longer than just one day. Taking another bite of his sandwich, he shrugs, not quite in the chipper mood he usually was. "Oh, I'm feeling alright. Other than frustrated, I'm fine. But... I suppose that comes with the territory. I shoulda thought before I took this job." He shakes his head. "Not gonna give up though. Don't think I could live with myself after that if I did."

Giving Beth a sidelong glance, his eyes roam her sunlit face for a moment or two before looking back down to his sandwich. "Ma thinks I need to eat for two men to cure a headache." He pulls an extra one wrapped in plastic out of his pack. "Join me?"

"Alrighty." Chance scrapes his plate clean, licking the last morsel off his fork. "Let me get a few things in order and we'll take off."

Standing to take his dishes to the sink, he throws Destiny a wink. "Maybe I'll buy your lunch later."

Once ready to go, Chance arms himself and leads the way out of the house to the Elite SUV. It doesn't take long to get to TJY where Chance heads to Reese's office and a spare cubicle after that, leaving Destiny alone for a while...

...Jason wanders down the hall, his nose in a file folder as he scanned the pages inside.

See O'Mally a bit ago, strutting to Reese's office? I still don't like him. Smiles too much.

He keeps walking, keeping his thoughts to silent conversation instead of verbalizing them and getting called down for a bad attitude.

Wonder if he could really do his job if it came down to that.

Passing by an office that wasn't being used at the moment, Jason is surprised to see the door open and a light on. Looking up and glancing in, he spots Destiny reading a book. He might as well be polite. Lowering his folder, he knocks lightly on the door. "Hey... how's it going?"

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