
Free Space

"Nah you can't quit. If you did than the rest of us would lose hope to knowing that there was till one person out there willing to help those who everyone else had given up on."

Tilting her head to look at Justin a little more Beth gives a small smile her eyes giving a little twinkle in the early sun light. Just watching him for a long moment Beth could see there was a tired look in his eyes and for a moment Beth felt a tiny bit sorry to see that look there. He was always full of spunk when she had met him before and now...not it just seemed..gone. Maybe for once he needed a friend and thats why they were right?

Looking down at the sandwich Justin offered her Beth though for another long moment. Looking away she reaches into her own bag she pulls out and apple.

"Its way to early to eat a sandwich. But I have this apple and I have a few mintues to spair before I go in to see Sarah if....you...want the company."

Beth looks down at the apple again picking at the stem untill it breaks off and she finally takes a bit. It felt a little odd saying she would sit with Justin but..he looked like maybe he could use the company today.

Rummaging around in the supply closet Katie gathers a few items together that she needed to replenish at her desk. Silently talking to Jason at the same time Katie was happy about there connection. It helped multi tasking a lot.

I smile a lot too, but thats mostly because you talk to me and no one else knows it.

Loading her arms up so she can't carry anymore Katie leaves the little room and heads back to her cubicle. Passing Chance's on her way Katie gives a glance to him as she draws closer.

I don't think he's all that bad. He could never be you J, but he seems ok.

Thinking about all the stuff she was holding in her hands and that Chance might not know his way around to well Katie stops once she is closer. Giving a friendly smile before she talks.

"Hi, I'm Katie. I'd offer to shake your hand but I don't have any room to move under this stuff."

Getting lost in her book Destiny gives a jump looking up quickly. Seeing Jason in the doorway she relaxes just a little. Setting her book down a grin forms on her lips and she shakes her head feeling silly.

"Hey Jason. Other than being jumpy a little still and hunter by the Agency I'm doing ok. How are you?"

Destiny was happy Jason stopped to say Hi. She'd liked talking to him the first day, and just keeping up to date on how he was, was important. They were friends after all.

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